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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Plame Gossip - What to look for.

I've gotten a couple of comments and emails asking what to look for next in the Rove investigation. (I just have fun writing that phrase, much like writing Tx. 22 - Open Seat. That was Tom Delay's seat.)

Last week after Rove testified, Robert Luskin, Rove's attorney, made very sure he got the message out that there would be no "decision" by Fitzgerald for ten days. I would bet that the wording given to Luskin was not no decision but no action, and if that's the case, that would make Fitzgerald's earliest decision/action day on Rove this Friday. It could well be into next week though.

Anyway, what's probably going to go down if Fitzgerald intends to indict Rove, following the script and guidelines from the Libby indictment, is that the morning Fitzgerald intends to ask for indictment, Fitzgerald will send a target letter to Luskin. The Grand Jury will meet, and if an indictment is voted on, Fitzgerald will schedule a press conference.

My point in all this is show how this story is likely to break. First, we might have a leak out of Fitzgerald's office a day or two before once the decision has been made. Next, we might get some sort of murmur or gossip out of the whitehouse reporters, as Karl Rove gets his target letter. The next possibility is overly excited reports of Fitzgerald meeting with the grand jury. The big guaranteed tell will be if a news conference is scheduled.

If Karl Rove is to be submitted for indictment, the excitement in the press will be palapable well before the actual story breaks. Certainly, if a target letter is transmitted, the rumors would start and the White House press corps would begin working sources. So, if this does go down, we are likely to get warning in a crescendo of coverage throughout the day long before any official announcement is made. And, that's assuming Jason Leopold doesn't scoop them all again a day or two in advance.

If you believe its going to be Friday, which I'm not sold on, start watching truthout and Rawstory Wednesday night.


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