With so much going on in the legal/political/scandal world, I wanted to make sure these three stories didn't go without mention.
Afghanistan is facing some serious issues of hunger in the coming months, and if the US/coalition doesn't resolve it, the Taleban probably will, with seriously bad implications.
The battles in Somalia are continuing with the US backed warlords losing ground to the Islamic militiamen in and around Mogadishu. If you'll remember, in a recent tape, Bin Laden called upon his followers to take up arms in Somalia. At the time I thought it odd, Somalia(?), but with more evidence coming in of US backing of the warlords it makes alot more sense.
In Iraq, Gunmen shot and seriously wounded a senior Defense Ministry official in Baghdad on Thursday, police said, in what appeared to be part of a campaign against the top echelons of Iraq's U.S.-backed administration.
Look, no matter what you think of the merits of the GWOT(Global War on Terror,) we seem to be approaching a very critical point.
Iraq and Afghanistan are getting further out of control, where apparently the US/coalition has lost control of key regions (Ramadi/Anbar and SE Afghanistan,) Islamists seem to be winning the battles in Northeast Africa and able to operate freely (Sudan and Somalia,) the major Islamic states seem to be drifting out of the US's orbit and influence (Iran, Saudi and Egypt,) and the few elections held in the region seem to be showing far more support for Islamic extremists (Egypt, Palestine, and Iran.)
We're right on the bubble on this thing, and the tide may be turning against the US. My point is, it's bigger than Iraq.
Afghanistan is facing some serious issues of hunger in the coming months, and if the US/coalition doesn't resolve it, the Taleban probably will, with seriously bad implications.
The battles in Somalia are continuing with the US backed warlords losing ground to the Islamic militiamen in and around Mogadishu. If you'll remember, in a recent tape, Bin Laden called upon his followers to take up arms in Somalia. At the time I thought it odd, Somalia(?), but with more evidence coming in of US backing of the warlords it makes alot more sense.
In Iraq, Gunmen shot and seriously wounded a senior Defense Ministry official in Baghdad on Thursday, police said, in what appeared to be part of a campaign against the top echelons of Iraq's U.S.-backed administration.
Look, no matter what you think of the merits of the GWOT(Global War on Terror,) we seem to be approaching a very critical point.
Iraq and Afghanistan are getting further out of control, where apparently the US/coalition has lost control of key regions (Ramadi/Anbar and SE Afghanistan,) Islamists seem to be winning the battles in Northeast Africa and able to operate freely (Sudan and Somalia,) the major Islamic states seem to be drifting out of the US's orbit and influence (Iran, Saudi and Egypt,) and the few elections held in the region seem to be showing far more support for Islamic extremists (Egypt, Palestine, and Iran.)
We're right on the bubble on this thing, and the tide may be turning against the US. My point is, it's bigger than Iraq.
My point is, it's bigger than Iraq. The experts warned Bush about this very scenario prior to the war. He should have listened to them, but that's water under the bridge. I hope to God he listens to the experts when all hell breaks loose.
Kathy, at 3:22 PM
I was watching an old Outer Limits the other night and the aliens had come with ambiguous intentions and the president was in the bunker trying to make decisions and I had this flash of just how scary this president really is.
Imagine a Katrina scenario with less time and a nukular weapon.
mikevotes, at 3:59 PM
There is nothing like ignorance to turn a cash and power grab into a total disaster, generating millions of potential enemies around the globe.
The terrorism scenario involved a relative handful of enemies. The coalition of the willing look set to blow that, and security, way out.
The depressing part is that it was all predictable. Stupid and predictable.
The first thing Australia could do to compensate for their part in this is replace the amount stolen, from the UN fund meant to feed the Iraqis, with their surplus wheat that is tainted by corruption.
I’m not sure how the others involved can try to improve the situation, for all our sakes.
Cartledge, at 4:34 PM
What we have done is the metaphorical equivalent of some of the worst Afghan bombings. a couple insurgents and we level a couple families. I don't think that can be undone.
mikevotes, at 6:26 PM
I hope to God he listens to the experts when all hell breaks loose.
No need, Kathy. He listens to God.
Personally, I think God is pulling his leg.
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM
No, God has been pulling our leg.
Unfortunately I just don't get His sense of humor.
mikevotes, at 9:16 PM
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