Time quote rerun
I thought I'd repost this quote from last night from a Time magazine "day in the life piece" in Ramadi. I think it's significant and I don't want it to get lost.
The bigger problem, though, is one that few in the military command want to hear: there aren't enough troops to do the job. .... But while Gronski says his fighting strength is "appropriate," other commanders bristle at the limitations. "I can't believe it each time the Secretary of Defense talks about reducing force," says a senior U.S. officer. War planners in Iraq say just getting a handle on Ramadi demands three times as many soldiers as are there now.
Several U.S. commanders say they won't ask superiors for more troops or plan large-scale operations because doing so would expose problems in the U.S.'s strategy that no one wants to acknowledge. "It's what I call the Big Lie," a high-ranking U.S. commander told TIME.
That "Big Lie" comment has just fizzled. It's huge. We STILL don't have enough troops in the country, and yet we're talking about a drawdown. Look at the tactics those Marines use in Ramadi. 1.) They're dangerous. 2.) They're what a better trained force does when it can't clear a city out... They are turkey hunting.
If we're going to drawdown and cede Ramadi to a Shiite attack, fine. War's over. Let's send everyone home and think about what we've done. This b.s. half measure nonsense is the NEXT Bush error.
Bravo 2-1, at 11:11 AM
Yep. We either need to get fully in, take the casualties and do the inkspot strategy that takes years, and maybe might work, or go full blown and pull back into the desert and act as a threatening force but not an active one.
I'm in favor of Plan B , kind of a modified Murtha plan, pulling out region by region on a strict timetable.
Right now, all that's being done is reducing troop strength without ceding territory leaving still fewer troop covering the same amount of land.
This whole thing echoes the Lind piece I keep pushing which looks at the tactical vs strategic, inkspot vs superbases.
Just do a find in page for Lind.
mikevotes, at 1:25 PM
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