The very sight of that fat white little slug Karl Rove makes me barf. He looks like he slithered out from under a rotten stump.
The Nurse over at Watergate Summer keeps a pile of nerf balls to throw at the TV. Good idea. Good therapy. I think I will get some to toss whenever I see that evil idiot Bush, or Rove or Condi or Rummy. These guys raise my blood pressure every time they sully my cathode ray tube.
Nerf balls are better than tossing a brick thru the glass. Carl Rove is the embodiment of them all. Corpulent bleached-out despicable malevolent little creep.
Did I mention I am no fan of Karl Rove? Or the Bush administration? Or have I left you guessing by being too subtle?
This is from the American Enterprise Institute appearance last Monday, and I just knew it would draw the same strong reaction in you that it drew in me.
This is not the America I was brought up to believe in.
This blog seeks to highlight abuse of power, deception, corruption, and just plain bad ideas in government and corporations.
Updated several times a day.
Is he going to start charging for photo ops now?
Cartledge, at 10:03 PM
No Karl, you're other right hand. The left one rests on the Bible.
Good try though.
Anonymous, at 12:57 AM
The very sight of that fat white little slug Karl Rove makes me barf. He looks like he slithered out from under a rotten stump.
The Nurse over at Watergate Summer keeps a pile of nerf balls to throw at the TV. Good idea. Good therapy. I think I will get some to toss whenever I see that evil idiot Bush, or Rove or Condi or Rummy. These guys raise my blood pressure every time they sully my cathode ray tube.
Nerf balls are better than tossing a brick thru the glass. Carl Rove is the embodiment of them all. Corpulent bleached-out despicable malevolent little creep.
Did I mention I am no fan of Karl Rove? Or the Bush administration? Or have I left you guessing by being too subtle?
NEWSGUY, at 1:01 AM
empty beer cans are good too.
Justin, at 4:06 AM
This is from the American Enterprise Institute appearance last Monday, and I just knew it would draw the same strong reaction in you that it drew in me.
mikevotes, at 7:14 AM
Seig Heil!!!!
thats my caption for this pic..I hate that smarmy sumbitch.
Unknown, at 9:15 AM
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