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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Picture of the Day - 2

A report says U.S. government public diplomacy efforts, including steps to improve the U.S. image in the Muslim world, are not working. (VOA News)

Also, did anyone else notice that Karen Hughes wasn't a part of the White House shakeup?

(This is a reused picture of the day. Sorry, I try to avoid that, but it so captures the 'hearts and minds' failure.)


  • Here's one for ya:


    By Blogger Greyhair, at 12:45 PM  

  • Yeah, I saw that.

    She better get that advance check soon, because I don't really know what she's going to write about. The Wilson's have no inside information on the leak. She might be able to add something about the genesis of the Niger trip, although I think most of that is out there. I don't really care about her "harrowing" experience of being outed, unless she goes into detail about the assets that were burned or the damage done to intel gathering.

    I guess she could write about her time at CIA and non-proliferation, maybe add to some knowledge about the AQ Khan network and the nuclear black market, but I would guess that anything of real interest would probably be redacted in CIA review.

    But my guess is it's going to be one of those life story books that are so prevalent among those in Washington who do one famous thing. Not enough "fame" to fill a whole book, so they put their life story around it. Do I really care about Jessica Lynch's childhood? Or Anthony Zinni's stateside appointments under Clinton?

    Also, by the time this thing comes out in a year, the revelations will probably be dated, because you know she's going to save the juicy bits for pre press.

    Just a little grumpy today. Thanks for the link.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 2:04 PM  

  • I can't wait for Plame's sequel, the Civil Suit against Dick Cheney, Libby and Rove ......

    They've already laid the groundwork (in fact, I suspect the book is part of that groundwork), and only need to wait for the criminal proceedings to play out.

    By Blogger Greyhair, at 3:59 PM  

  • Can't say I didn't give you a shot at it first:


    :), ;)

    By Blogger Greyhair, at 4:08 PM  

  • Caption:
    "Come on grandma! The deadline for Medicare part D is looming. Move it!"

    By Blogger zen, at 4:54 PM  

  • Greyhair, that's not a bad bet on the book. I responded more fully over at your place.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 5:37 PM  

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