Cheney's quest for power
Charlie Savage of the Boston Globe, the reporter who had the story on the historic 700+ signing statements by Bush, adds another layer to that story. Apparently, it's not the Whitehouse that is pushing so hard, it's the Office of the Vice President, mainly in the form of David Addington.
This is unprecedented in the history of our country. For more, check out this Firedoglake blogpost on this article because it adds some broader context.
WASHINGTON -- The office of Vice President Dick Cheney routinely reviews pieces of legislation before they reach the president's desk, searching for provisions that Cheney believes would infringe on presidential power, according to former White House and Justice Department officials....
"Addington could look at whatever he wanted," said one former White House lawyer who helped prepare signing statements and who asked not to be named because he was describing internal deliberations. "He had a roving commission to get involved in whatever interested him."
Knowing that Addington was likely to review the bills, other White House and Justice Department lawyers began vetting legislation with Addington's and Cheney's views in mind, according to another former lawyer in the Bush White House.
This is unprecedented in the history of our country. For more, check out this Firedoglake blogpost on this article because it adds some broader context.
To me, it just proves my point that the man is an imbecile and incapable of doing anything. Cheney is in effect, the man in the Oval office by proxy,right?
Unknown, at 11:06 PM
Rummy and Cheney wanted to instill this type of executive standing when they worked for Reagan. Bastards all.
Great article on FDL.Thanks for bringing it up for the rest of us.
Unknown, at 11:30 PM
I agree, I just find it fascinating that we have a Vice President who is running things. As far as we know it's historically unprecedented, although that isn't too surprising considereing that the reason for it really only dtaes back to the recent media age.
mikevotes, at 8:18 AM
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