Bush exploiting the dead.
This is the worst, most manipulative argument, playing on the guilt and patriotism of Americans.
Later, of course, he conflated Iraq and the War on Terror implying that any suggestion of redeployment out of Iraq is tantamount to abandoning the War on Terror. By connection, if you speak against the current failing strategy in Iraq, you are dishonoring the dead.
And to top it off, he did all this standing on the graves of those soldiers who died in his war of choice. Bastard.
I didn't want to go political today, but I can't let this pass. According to the President's logic, we should continue to fight on in Iraq until there are no more body parts to be scattered by IEDs, until there is not one military wife without tears, until there is not one soldier left unharmed. To do any less would be to spit on the graves of those who have already died. Bastard.
Dear President Bush, You can take your rhetorical device and shove it up your ass.
(By the way, name one person who has ever suggested abandoning the "War on Terror." Name one person who has said that the US should not capture or kill Bin Laden. Iraq has served only to drain resources from that effort.
There were no terrorists in Iraq, no terrorist support, no WMD. Iraq was stable and not a threat. And yet it is now eating up more than 85% of the resources in the War on Terror. Would the chances of capturing Osama Bin Laden be increased or decreased if the US personnel searching for him was increased by 1600%.)
Also, I think Josh Bolten has reshuffled the speechwriting team. Take a look at the subtlety of this opening section from the speech.
ARLINGTON, Va. - President Bush, delivering a Memorial Day message surrounded by the graves of thousands of military dead, said Monday that the United States must continue fighting the war on terror in the name of those have already given their life in the cause.
Later, of course, he conflated Iraq and the War on Terror implying that any suggestion of redeployment out of Iraq is tantamount to abandoning the War on Terror. By connection, if you speak against the current failing strategy in Iraq, you are dishonoring the dead.
And to top it off, he did all this standing on the graves of those soldiers who died in his war of choice. Bastard.
I didn't want to go political today, but I can't let this pass. According to the President's logic, we should continue to fight on in Iraq until there are no more body parts to be scattered by IEDs, until there is not one military wife without tears, until there is not one soldier left unharmed. To do any less would be to spit on the graves of those who have already died. Bastard.
Dear President Bush, You can take your rhetorical device and shove it up your ass.
(By the way, name one person who has ever suggested abandoning the "War on Terror." Name one person who has said that the US should not capture or kill Bin Laden. Iraq has served only to drain resources from that effort.
There were no terrorists in Iraq, no terrorist support, no WMD. Iraq was stable and not a threat. And yet it is now eating up more than 85% of the resources in the War on Terror. Would the chances of capturing Osama Bin Laden be increased or decreased if the US personnel searching for him was increased by 1600%.)
Also, I think Josh Bolten has reshuffled the speechwriting team. Take a look at the subtlety of this opening section from the speech.
I placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. I was honored to do so on behalf of the American people, as a sign of our solemn gratitude and our deep respect. The names of those buried there are known only to God, yet their souls have entered into the spirit of America,Their names are known to God, yet their souls go to the spirit of America. The logical connection would be if their names go to god, their spirits would go to god, and thus, by this little twist, he is imbuing America with God. Very subtle, very clever, very self justifying.
Greyhair, at 8:04 PM
How dare you mention God - yet you are a godless, pot-smoking, anti-American liberal.
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM
Bush shows no shame.
Nice work
Graeme, at 9:06 PM
Oh christ, I see you got a troll today too..how nice..god forbid they actually discuss something in lieu of slamming people..
Thanks for posting this Mike :) It was a good read.
Unknown, at 11:54 PM
He's not smart enough to be subtle, clever or self-justifying...he has others do that for him...namely, his handlers. Yes...he is a bastard. Good post.
sumo, at 1:51 AM
Thanks for the compliments.
mikevotes, at 7:09 AM
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