The Revolt Against Rumsfeld
Fred Kaplan in Slate:
Also: Take a look at Condi Rice's blatant hypocrisy as she calls for democracy in Iran while holding a post meeting press conference with her "good friend" President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea, listed as one of the world's 10 worst dictators for four years running.
Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing the difference is that Eq. Guinea sells oil to the US.
It's an odd thought, but a military coup in this country right now would probably have a moderating influence.....
It is startling to hear, in private conversations, how widely and deeply the U.S. officer corps despises this secretary of defense. The joke in some Pentagon circles is that if Rumsfeld were meeting with the service chiefs and commanders and a group of terrorists barged into the room and kidnapped him, not a single general would lift a finger to help him.
Also: Take a look at Condi Rice's blatant hypocrisy as she calls for democracy in Iran while holding a post meeting press conference with her "good friend" President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea, listed as one of the world's 10 worst dictators for four years running.
Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing the difference is that Eq. Guinea sells oil to the US.
Rice is a piece of shit. She has sold her soul to be where she is.
Yukkione, at 10:49 AM
If I may be so bold as to add an incompetent piece of s**t. From what I understand, she was quite a good analyst of Russia although I can't verify that myself, but she's just not equipped to do the job of sec state. She lacks the gravitas, the decorum and the interpersonal skills. How many photo ops have I seen her face expressing inappropriate emotion.
She is this nation's top negotiator for god's sake. Compare her presence with that of the last few strong sec states. Albright, James Baker, Zbignew, Kissinger. When these folks walked into a room, the other side drew a little fear. Does Condi inspire that or are they just trying to figure out a way to con her.
mikevotes, at 11:57 AM
Condi is a joke. You can just imagine what these guys say about her behind her back. But she looks effective compared to Karen Hughes.
Anonymous, at 12:05 PM
Condi is a total joke. Promoted out of her skill set into a job she's not equipped for. What was her diplomatic or negotiating experience before she was sec stae? NONE.
She was promoted, like so many Bush appointees for her loyalty not her skills. That's a large part of how we got into this mess.
mikevotes, at 1:52 PM
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