Mobile "biological laboratories" were a proven lie.
You've probably already seen this elsewhere, but if not, read at least the first five paragraphs of this front page WaPo article that describes the heralding of the finding of Saddam's mobile biological labs even though they knew it was a lie.
Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Funny how that word is slowly taking over for the careful euphemisms "misrepresented" and "manipulated" that were used for so long.
Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Funny how that word is slowly taking over for the careful euphemisms "misrepresented" and "manipulated" that were used for so long.
It's about time we started calling inaccurate misstatements for what they are. Oh wait, we have been calling them lies. It's those "fair and balanced stenos" who are just getting it.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
I agree, but I do think it's important to the mainstream understanding that the narrative is now containing these stronger statements.
The one that blew my mind the other day, I was watching one of the"news shows" maybe MSNBC and they were talking about the leaks and everything, and they showed about a seven minute clip of Bush and admin officials with the words "Scandal Central" in a title across the bottom of the screen.
That's a long way from praising brave and fearless leader for his photo op flight suit moment.
mikevotes, at 12:51 PM
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