Representative no 3
Okay, so in all the Abramoff related documents released through indictment and plea deal, it has been the general consensus that Ohio Rep Bob Ney is "representative 1" and that Tom Delay is "representative 2." Let me just go ahead and make a nomination here for who will be "representative 3."
Excuse me, Sen. Burns, but we have the press on line two and they would like a comment.
A wealthy Indian tribe once represented by former lobbyist Jack Abramoff said yesterday that it has decided to return a $3 million federal school-construction grant it received as a result of pressure exerted on Interior Department officials by Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.)
Excuse me, Sen. Burns, but we have the press on line two and they would like a comment.
Damn. They better not get him off the ballot before the election.
JUSIPER, at 2:20 PM
You talk about cooked. There have been allegations, but how bad does this look?
mikevotes, at 3:00 PM
I think you'll like this DeLay news from yesterday:
The pics are pretty interesting. Have a great weekend.
Kathleen Callon, at 3:21 PM
Thanks, Kat.
I read about that but hadn't seen any pictures except one in the local paper. That took place about 15 miles from my house. I'm one district over.
mikevotes, at 3:47 PM
Senator burns really should spend more time with his family. He may be soon spending more time with members of other families. Like the prison family.
pissed off patricia, at 3:51 PM
Yep, all these retirements are a great boon to the "family values" side of the Republican party.
mikevotes, at 4:23 PM
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