Picture of the Day

Tomorrow's White House line.
"It's not a leak if I authorize it."
"I can tap your phone calls and internets without a warrant."
"And, we're gonna bomb Iran, too. Whatchya gonna do about it?"
"You can indict the Ohio election fixers, but it's too late."
"I have political capital and I intend to use it."
ugh! "I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more!" - popeye
Yukkione, at 10:36 PM
Gonzales would endorse anything. He'd endorse Bush screwing a camel in the Oval office. He's already ruled in favor of torture. He's ruled in favor of Bush leaking classified information. To top it off, the Supremes this week ruled that Bush can arrest any American citizen anytime anywhere and hold him or her without charges for however long Bush likes. And they added the comment that it's OK THIS time with Padilla, but watch it buster, you better not do it again. (Or what, Souter and Thomas will have a tantrum and pound their fists on the floor?) What would the brilliant legal minds of this administration NOT endorse?
This administration has already gotten away with so much criminality it's...well, criminal. Two stolen elections. A criminal war. Gutting the regulatory agencies like the EPA and the FDA and putting people in charge whose agenda is to destroy the agendas of their agencies, a wiretapping policy that shreds the Fourth Amendment, secrecy that would make Stalin blush, incompetence that would make Wrong Way Corrigan blush.
Don't get me started. Oh, I already started? Just don't.
NEWSGUY, at 11:04 PM
I think you both just endorsed Newt Gingrich's recommendation of the Dem theme for the midterms,
Had enough?
I sure as hell have.
And, Newsguy, I no longer even try to list the mistakes/crimes/lies. It just takes too long.
mikevotes, at 8:30 AM
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