Remember Cheney's secret energy task force?
Bob Shrum mentioned it on Hardball. That may be the lever the dems use to go after the administration on gas prices. It emphasizes culpability, secretiveness, and corruption all reinforced during the repeated angry thoughtful moments as people fill up their gas tanks. And then there's this....
(CBS 11 News) DALLAS High gasoline prices are causing some people to take desperate measures. Pawn shops say their business is increasing, with some customers saying they're selling things to buy gas. ...
“We've always had a clientele of the young kids, or middle age kids, and now we’re getting an older generation. Which, it just seems wrong that they have to pawn things just to get gas, or ya know, to make ends meet on things like that."
I saw Shrummie on Hardball too and I thought that sounded like a great campaign theme.
I hope they run with it.
Reality-Based Educator, at 5:04 PM
I think they will. I think that was a trial balloon. I don't know if that idea was his or somebody else told him to try it out.
In my opinion it worked.
mikevotes, at 5:12 PM
People in the suburbs are flocked. majorly flocked. Of course, it is possible to live in america and not drive, but the kind of people who bought into the suburb trap are probably not imaginative enough to figure out how.
Justin, at 9:46 AM
Justin, I live in Houston, and Houston is a city that was built around the automobile. Perhaps you could bike to the grocery store, but that's about it. Most people travel ten miles or more to movie theaters, churches, etc.
This city developed in a low density cheap oil era with the automobile in mind starting roughly 1950(not coincidentally with the advent of airconditioning.)
If there were no cars, Houston would cease to be a city.
mikevotes, at 1:40 PM
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