Only 11,998,813 more illegal immigrants to go.
This set of immigration arrests is just so obviously political despite Chertoff's claims. (Color coding DHS wouldn't lie to us, would they?)
Despite the obvious efforts to placate the anti-immigration zealots, this will not be enough for them. The "minuteman" group is now talking about building its own fence along the border.
That's the problem with catering to zealots, be it abortion, immigration, or whatever. Their entire movement is predicated upon the maintaining the problem. If, for instance, abortion were suddenly banned, gays were stoned in the streets, and women were returned to a subjugated role in our society, do you think that the "religious" factions would suddenly disappear?
No. The leaders and the groups would be unwilling to give up their positions of power and influence. Their entire power structure is based upon the maintenance of the perception that there is a problem, and they would find another issue to keep the donations flowing in.
It's not about issues or people anymore, it's about gaining a place at the luxurious Republican table.
The Minutemen aren't there yet, but give them a few election cycles and they will be. They will be the racial version of the religious right.
Despite the obvious efforts to placate the anti-immigration zealots, this will not be enough for them. The "minuteman" group is now talking about building its own fence along the border.
That's the problem with catering to zealots, be it abortion, immigration, or whatever. Their entire movement is predicated upon the maintaining the problem. If, for instance, abortion were suddenly banned, gays were stoned in the streets, and women were returned to a subjugated role in our society, do you think that the "religious" factions would suddenly disappear?
No. The leaders and the groups would be unwilling to give up their positions of power and influence. Their entire power structure is based upon the maintenance of the perception that there is a problem, and they would find another issue to keep the donations flowing in.
It's not about issues or people anymore, it's about gaining a place at the luxurious Republican table.
The Minutemen aren't there yet, but give them a few election cycles and they will be. They will be the racial version of the religious right.
Assuming we continue at this rate and assuming there are zero new illegal immigrants coming into the country, it will take somewhere in the order of 10,000 days or 27 years to fully irradicate the foreign menace.
Yeah, sounds like a plan to me.
I really think the Kennedy-McCain plan is a fair and workable course of action. Of course the knuckle draggers in the house are all cop no thought...
-epm, at 10:38 AM
Kennedy McCain isn't too bad. I'd like to see almost all the enforcement aimed at employers. They have fixed mailing adresses and are easier to track.
But, the bottom line is that so long as the wage differenece exists, there will be illegal immigration.
mikevotes, at 11:14 AM
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