Picture of the Day

This picture is not Karen Hughes, after all. Huge props to -epm for the sleuth work. The key, that's a 2004 Vanity Fair.
That's why I posted this originally with all the disclaimers on it and on April Fool's Day, because I wasn't sure on the source. It wasn't intended to be a joke, but I figured that would offer me some cover if I was wrong. But now we know that is not Karen Hughes.
Again, thanks to -epm. Great work. You win whatever prize we can think of that doesn't cost me any money.
is that the before Jesus picture?
Graeme, at 1:19 AM
I'm not sure what you mean, the Mel Gibson thing?
I'm pretty sure that this is real and that it comes from way back, Bush's first run for governor(?), when she was a reporter(?), but I'm just not sure.
And, I am not putting this up as a joke or a scam. Every photo I've ever put up is real, undoctored, etc. But since it is so bad, and I didn't pull it off the newswire myself, I just can't be sure.
mikevotes, at 6:12 AM
I think the first commentor meant, is the supposed to be a pic of Harris before she "found Jesus."
Personally, as fun as it is, I'm not seeing it. Then again, it's amazing what a trained surgeon and a bottomless checking account can do these days...
-epm, at 7:46 AM
Again, I don't know.
mikevotes, at 10:31 AM
It's either an old Courtney Love candid, or maybe a more recent post-partum Brittany shot?
Karen Hughes? Yeesh.
QuakerDave, at 1:37 PM
Ah, blissful ignorance... Who the bloody hell is Karen Hughes? So many wonderful targets, so little time.
Cartledge, at 2:01 PM
Cartledge, she's the PR hitman that Bush brings in from time to time. Supposedly, she is a genius at influencing opinion.
Her last gig, for which they pulled her out of retirement, was to convince the Muslim world of the US's good intntions. She made one goodwill tour where she was shouted down and protested at every stop; she tried to release a brief rebranding effort of the US.
Then, she gave up and went home.
She's a longtime Bush crony dating back to before his governor's run. She was a reporter in tiny Midland, Texas before Bush hired her in a failed congressional run.
mikevotes, at 2:56 PM
OK. This isn't Karen Hughes. The chuncky, hairy-armed woman is hold the January 2004 issue of Vanity Fair.
-epm, at 3:37 PM
Man, you are so much better than me. I didn't even think to check the magazine.
You win whatever prize there is.
I will update the post and credit you with the sleuthing.
You kick ass.
mikevotes, at 4:15 PM
While part of me appreciates the thanks, another part of me laments my total lack of a life...
-epm, at 9:15 PM
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