Rumsfeld to go? - Nelson Report
Chris Nelson of the Nelson Report says John Snow is safe, but Rumsfeld is set to be fired. (From Laura Rozen's site.)
Sources also confirm that the President has absorbed the fact that the professional military has completely given up on Rumsfeld...admittedly a process which began for some “uniforms” even before 9/11, but which has continued to affect...or infect...virtually the whole military establishment today.
hasn't rumsfeld already tried to quit twice and chimpy won't let him? I wonder what changed his mind? Plummeting approval ratings? Needing a fall guy? It's obviously not incompetance, or he'd have been gone years ago, right?
That's five questions. Mike, I expect you to answer each of them in full.
cookie christine, at 1:03 PM
I will endeavor as always.
Yes, Rumsfeld offered to resign twice around Abu Ghraib.
I'm going to group the rest of them. Bush has mentally transitioned to lame duck, and as such, is beginning to focus on "his legacy." He has made it publicly clear that he sees his legacy to be Iraq, and now, the clock has started ticking.
He has three years left to turn Iraq into a victory, whatever that means, otherwise, the president coming behind him would claim that victory as his own, leaving Bush with only the debacle.
Yes, I know, but Bush really does still believe in victory in Iraq. He feels it is the only redemption left to him. And, I would guess that Rumsfeld is telling him that it can't be done in three years.
So, the answer, classic Bush is not to accept the real advice, but to bring in someone who will tell him what he wants to hear.
Speculation, but that's my answer.
mikevotes, at 1:27 PM
This speculation on the heels of Rice today admitting to many 'tactical mistakes' in Iraq... sounds like a good bet to me. Rummy falls on his sword to insulate Bush from Iraq criticism... it follows the pattern.
Anonymous, at 1:41 PM
I was watching hardball last night, and Isikoff made some veiled reference of a big story to come in relation sto staff changes. My money is that this is it.
mikevotes, at 2:48 PM
Doesn't this assume that Rummy is the same as the others in the administration, such as Powell or Ashcroft? No, Rummy is the real inner circle, like Cheney. Rummy won't go unless Cheney goes, and that would mean the end of any content to the Bush administration.
If those PNAC guys go, the rest of the term will be photo ops with kids, public service announcements from Laura Bush about abstinence, and multiple readings of "My Pet Goat" to kindergartners.
MC Sandlerbrau, at 12:24 AM
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