Hillary getting money from Texas Republican Women.
Tapped has a blog post on Hillary Clinton raising money down in Texas. That's not too big of a surprise really, big state, alot of money and Bush approval below 50%, although notice she didn't come to my hometown Houston where all the money is in the "red" suburbs."
But in this story, this tidbit.
There's a shift going on, a real shift. Perhaps it's starker here because I live in the most Republican big city so the changes are more noticeable, and I don't know how long it's going to last, but right now, our part of the world is sliding out of the Bush camp. And outside of the fundies, that's a really big deal.
But in this story, this tidbit.
Here's something interesting. A source familiar with the Austin event tells me that at least one attendee was surprised by the fact that many who showed up were Republican women, lots of them first-time donors. I mention this not to argue that Hillary has crossover appeal, but to show how aggressively her fundraisers are working to tap diverse constituencies around the country.Bullcrap. Right now, even in Texas, every Democrat has crossover appeal. Even my Red/Red Republican mother, the same one who told me Saddam was behind the 9-11 attacks over the holidays, was lambasting the Republicans today over their immigration policy.
There's a shift going on, a real shift. Perhaps it's starker here because I live in the most Republican big city so the changes are more noticeable, and I don't know how long it's going to last, but right now, our part of the world is sliding out of the Bush camp. And outside of the fundies, that's a really big deal.
This is a fantastic post, Mike.
JUSIPER, at 11:22 AM
It's just good to know somebody's out there. I've never figured out why some days bring lots of comment, and others nothing. The last two days have been comment light, and when that happens, I always wonder if I've gone off the reservation, so it's good to even get a "howdy."
mikevotes, at 12:44 PM
Really? There seem to be comments on here all the time. By the way, I like the way you use large fonts for emphasis. I never figured out how to do that.
JUSIPER, at 6:47 PM
Two things, first, I was just whining about a slow day yesterday when I thought I'd done some really good blogging trying to link Card's resignation to Plame, and got nothing. Just a little whiny baby, one day, that's all. I just put so much into this...
Second, I'm using the blogger interface, which I assume you are to. Just highlight it, change the font size in the toolbar below the title you entered, and click the little bolding "b".
You might not have the toolbar though, I don't know, but I do, so maybe look at your settings.
Feel free to email, if you're really looking for it.
mikevotes, at 8:40 PM
My eighty-year-old mother-in-law, a lifelong Republican and regular donor to the party, told me at Christmas that she'd gotten a fundraising call from the GOP asking when they could expect some moolah.
She told them, "After the way George Bush has ruined my country, you can wait till hell freezes over."
I gave her an extra present just for that.
Motherlode, at 6:17 PM
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