"Thus in military campaigns, I have heard of awkwad speed but have never seen any skill in lengthy campaigns. No country has ever profited from protracted warfare. Those who do not thoroughly comprehend the dangers inherent in employing the army are incapable of truly knowing the potential advantages of military actions." - Sun Tzu (Ralph D. Sawyer's translation)
Copy editor, I've heard it phrased roughly, "Long wars do not favor the strong." Maybe Greek or Roman? The only "successful" anti-insurgent wars have involved violence that America would not accept. And even then it doesn't end them, just puts them into temporary remission.
And, Dave, I don't know why, but there's just something about it.
Maybe it's the font? It looks similar to all the 1984/futuristic movies.
"Just need to project my thoughts into their brains. Freedom...freedom...I'm not a crook...[whoops]...freedom...Cheney's really an OK guy...[damn!]...freedom...freedom..."
"Freedom doesn't mean you can just vote for whoever you want. That's crazy talk. The terrorists voted for evil-doers... That's not good. Not "dem-o-cratic" votin' for evil-doers I mean the Iraqis had their little election and it went mucho bueno... Cute little purple fingers, (he-he, he-he) that's "dem-o-cracy"... and I'm spreadin' it around.
Now it's time for the Iraqi's to form a government like we tell them to... that's Freedom... They're free now... Free to have the democracy we gave them, not like Saddam (*9/11, al Qaeda*) Hussein. He was a dictator. A bad guy."
That's all part of why it creeped me out. Kvatch's belief over reality joke, Lew's recognition that despite the rhetoric, we're losing freedoms, and EPM pointing out that the "freedom the Iraqis have apparently doesn't include choosing a leader of their choice.
The great dissonance of Bush with that weirdly fonted freedom.
This is not the America I was brought up to believe in.
This blog seeks to highlight abuse of power, deception, corruption, and just plain bad ideas in government and corporations.
Updated several times a day.
"Thus in military campaigns, I have heard of awkwad speed but have never seen any skill in lengthy campaigns. No country has ever profited from protracted warfare. Those who do not thoroughly comprehend the dangers inherent in employing the army are incapable of truly knowing the potential advantages of military actions." - Sun Tzu (Ralph D. Sawyer's translation)
Bravo 2-1, at 10:38 AM
I feel your creep...
QuakerDave, at 12:33 PM
Copy editor, I've heard it phrased roughly, "Long wars do not favor the strong." Maybe Greek or Roman? The only "successful" anti-insurgent wars have involved violence that America would not accept. And even then it doesn't end them, just puts them into temporary remission.
And, Dave, I don't know why, but there's just something about it.
Maybe it's the font? It looks similar to all the 1984/futuristic movies.
mikevotes, at 12:48 PM
I think it means that his head is free of any rational thought.
cookie christine, at 12:59 PM
Not bad.
"Freedom is just another way to say nothing left to lose."
mikevotes, at 1:21 PM
That feeling you have is for the great symbolism that this picture represents.
The Freedom From Thought.
'Of'... 'From'... what's the difference?
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
I don't know why this picture creeped me out.
Because of the ironic contradiction... Like having a sign saying "Making Healthy Choices!" above a 300lb chick in a two-piece swim suit.
-epm, at 1:39 PM
Obviously from the response, I'm not the only one this struck as odd.
mikevotes, at 1:42 PM
"Just need to project my thoughts into their brains. Freedom...freedom...I'm not a crook...[whoops]...freedom...Cheney's really an OK guy...[damn!]...freedom...freedom..."
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM
"In order to transplant freedom and democracy in Iraq, we need to take freedom and democracy from America."
Lew Scannon, at 4:51 PM
"Freedom doesn't mean you can just vote for whoever you want. That's crazy talk. The terrorists voted for evil-doers... That's not good. Not "dem-o-cratic" votin' for evil-doers I mean the Iraqis had their little election and it went mucho bueno... Cute little purple fingers, (he-he, he-he) that's "dem-o-cracy"... and I'm spreadin' it around.
Now it's time for the Iraqi's to form a government like we tell them to... that's Freedom... They're free now... Free to have the democracy we gave them, not like Saddam (*9/11, al Qaeda*) Hussein. He was a dictator. A bad guy."
-epm, at 6:24 PM
That's all part of why it creeped me out. Kvatch's belief over reality joke, Lew's recognition that despite the rhetoric, we're losing freedoms, and EPM pointing out that the "freedom the Iraqis have apparently doesn't include choosing a leader of their choice.
The great dissonance of Bush with that weirdly fonted freedom.
There's just so much there.
mikevotes, at 8:36 PM
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