They're plan for victory seems to be to just keep repeating the words "victory" and claiming how optimistic they are about the future.
Let's see if Rove's demotion changes the "victory" policy any.
The CW in the Dan Balz Wash Post article seemed to be that Boltn can actually help turn things around if he can win his showdowns w/ Rove and convince the preznit to listen to new ideas and new faces.
We'll see.
But I have the feeling that Rove's chubby little fingers are going to be all over Dubya's policies until Fitzgerald finally has him frog-marched out of the WH in handcuffs (which may be soon, if you believe the latest Jason Leopold piece at Truthout.)
Reality based, from what I read, I think the whole "victory" thing came from Card. When the plame thing got hot, Rove was moved to consulting status, but Bush put message on Card. That's why Card is gone now, the numbers kept going down after he was placed in charge of image.
I'm not sold on Bolten turning things around. It's the policy that's the problem, and the big policy nightmares have already been committed.
Praguetwin, I think you're fairly new here, but I haven't missed a Leopold piece in 6 months. I will actually be a bit surprised if it stops with Rove. There is some evidence of a conspiracy to obstruct justice around the 250 "missing" emails possibly involving Card, at least one other person in the VP's office, and maybe Gonzales. I don't know if Fitzgerald has the evidence to indict on that, but there is circumstantial evidence that such a conspiracy took place.
And, Justin, there's a whole collection of these, of Bush in front of these woeful signs. This one was just so extreme in its size like the mission accomplished.
I'm wondering, given submissions by Libby's lawyers regarding Rove's veracity (or lack of) and Fitzgerald’s adoption of the 'lying to the FBI' prosecution gambit, if there is a realization that Rove is a gonner either way. It would be politically damaging to just dump him, so at least put some distance in there.
That seems to be a growing consensus at this point. If you fire him, you're admitting that the Pres knew of his actions and guilt. This way, the president can express surprise and regret.
Yea, I'm a total newbie. I meant that in the past tense, as in "I read." Sorry for the ambiguity. I really shouldn't truncate my sentences.
I think Rove will go down as the fall guy in this whole thing. Clearly, they never expected it to get this far, but now that it has, I think Rove will take one for the team.
If they can make Cheney testify, that would be enough for me.
This is not the America I was brought up to believe in.
This blog seeks to highlight abuse of power, deception, corruption, and just plain bad ideas in government and corporations.
Updated several times a day.
Turns out, that was the plan. A giant sign reading "Plan for Victory."
The idea was that if we made the sign big enough, and said the world "victroy" enough, the insurgents would just give up.
-epm, at 9:17 AM
Yep. It's easier to produce signs than results. Mission Accomplished.
mikevotes, at 11:14 AM
They're plan for victory seems to be to just keep repeating the words "victory" and claiming how optimistic they are about the future.
Let's see if Rove's demotion changes the "victory" policy any.
The CW in the Dan Balz Wash Post article seemed to be that Boltn can actually help turn things around if he can win his showdowns w/ Rove and convince the preznit to listen to new ideas and new faces.
We'll see.
But I have the feeling that Rove's chubby little fingers are going to be all over Dubya's policies until Fitzgerald finally has him frog-marched out of the WH in handcuffs (which may be soon, if you believe the latest Jason Leopold piece at Truthout.)
Reality-Based Educator, at 11:18 AM
Read the Leopold piece. If it is true, it is so damn juicy. Time to get the popcorn out.
If you put this picture on a poster for a movie, people would say it looked fake.
Hunter S. Thompson moment indeed.
Praguetwin, at 11:26 AM
should put that one next to the mission accomplished one with dates.
Justin, at 11:47 AM
Reality based, from what I read, I think the whole "victory" thing came from Card. When the plame thing got hot, Rove was moved to consulting status, but Bush put message on Card. That's why Card is gone now, the numbers kept going down after he was placed in charge of image.
I'm not sold on Bolten turning things around. It's the policy that's the problem, and the big policy nightmares have already been committed.
Praguetwin, I think you're fairly new here, but I haven't missed a Leopold piece in 6 months. I will actually be a bit surprised if it stops with Rove. There is some evidence of a conspiracy to obstruct justice around the 250 "missing" emails possibly involving Card, at least one other person in the VP's office, and maybe Gonzales. I don't know if Fitzgerald has the evidence to indict on that, but there is circumstantial evidence that such a conspiracy took place.
And, Justin, there's a whole collection of these, of Bush in front of these woeful signs. This one was just so extreme in its size like the mission accomplished.
mikevotes, at 1:32 PM
I'm wondering, given submissions by Libby's lawyers regarding Rove's veracity (or lack of) and Fitzgerald’s adoption of the 'lying to the FBI' prosecution gambit, if there is a realization that Rove is a gonner either way.
It would be politically damaging to just dump him, so at least put some distance in there.
Cartledge, at 3:29 PM
That seems to be a growing consensus at this point. If you fire him, you're admitting that the Pres knew of his actions and guilt. This way, the president can express surprise and regret.
mikevotes, at 4:37 PM
I think a timeline project for the Iraq war is in order.
Justin, at 4:38 AM
Yea, I'm a total newbie. I meant that in the past tense, as in "I read." Sorry for the ambiguity. I really shouldn't truncate my sentences.
I think Rove will go down as the fall guy in this whole thing. Clearly, they never expected it to get this far, but now that it has, I think Rove will take one for the team.
If they can make Cheney testify, that would be enough for me.
Praguetwin, at 8:22 AM
"... but with this crew, expect a freakin' disaster."
QuakerDave, at 2:15 PM
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