More Rumsfeld leaks to come?
It just occurred to me as I was reading a summary of the Salon article that claims "U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld allowed an "abusive and degrading" interrogation of an al Qaeda detainee in 2002," that this next week might be the "leaky week" on Don Rumsfeld.
With Rumsfeld's position wobbly at best, those who want Rumsfeld out will be scouring the files looking for anything that might be released to the press to make him look bad. I doubt there will be anything huge, but I would think there may be a fair number of unflattering revelations that shed some light on the war's buildup, conduct or detention policies.
Maybe that's one of the reasons that Bush interrupted his vacation to issue a surprisingly strong statement of support on the afternoon of Good Friday, to try and stem this likely tide.
I mean, he didn't interrupt his vacation for Katrina or for the "Bin Laden Determined to Attack US" PDB. So, we may be in for an interesting week.
Also, FoxNews has started the chorus, "Retired Generals Targeting Rumsfeld: Hurting Troop Morale?" Because, after all, at FoxNews, if you criticize the president, you are an enemy of America.
Dear FoxNews: At long last, have you no shame? Have you no decency left?
With Rumsfeld's position wobbly at best, those who want Rumsfeld out will be scouring the files looking for anything that might be released to the press to make him look bad. I doubt there will be anything huge, but I would think there may be a fair number of unflattering revelations that shed some light on the war's buildup, conduct or detention policies.
Maybe that's one of the reasons that Bush interrupted his vacation to issue a surprisingly strong statement of support on the afternoon of Good Friday, to try and stem this likely tide.
I mean, he didn't interrupt his vacation for Katrina or for the "Bin Laden Determined to Attack US" PDB. So, we may be in for an interesting week.
Also, FoxNews has started the chorus, "Retired Generals Targeting Rumsfeld: Hurting Troop Morale?" Because, after all, at FoxNews, if you criticize the president, you are an enemy of America.
Dear FoxNews: At long last, have you no shame? Have you no decency left?
My Dad, who's an old John Bircher, used to watch FOX News and listen to Limbaugh, but even he's been turned off by the rampant propagandizing from the right-wing noise machine, so he's stopped watching and listening.
Unfortunately he still votes reflexively Republican. Even after saying he was going to vote Libertarian in the last election becuase he thought George W. Bush was the worst preznit since Carter, he got into the booth and pulled the lever for George W. He just can't help himself. He's voted for every GOP nominee since Ike.
I'm trying to work on him for 2006. He's a big pro-life Catholic, so I'm selling him on Bob Casey Jr. over Santorum since Casey's pro-life. I'm also working on him to vote against Curt Weldon, his Congressman. Dad agrees Weldon's a nutcase too.
I fear, however, that no matter how sane he sounds over the phone with me, he will pull the lever for the entire GOP slate come November when he gets into the voting booth and draws the curtain shut.
What can you do, right? But at least he's not watching Brit Hume and listening to Limbaugh anymore.
Reality-Based Educator, at 9:06 AM
Well, I don't know if it's any consolation, but at least you've got your dad weened from Foxnews. I haven't even gotten there yet.
And, as for pushing candidates and changing minds, I don't know how you do it with someone who has hardened opinions. On several occasions I've had fellow arguees agree with my facts but refuse to change their position.
mikevotes, at 12:55 PM
Just saw an MSNBC interview and the woman anchor must have asked "Are the retired generals comments hurting the troops" about ten times.
I guess they got their marching orders from the Whitehouse like everyone else.
It is sickening!
left-over, at 2:48 PM
I saw something similar earlier in the day on MSNBC, probably the same interview.
I question bringing on an avowedly pro war civilian to comment on soldiers opinions.
mikevotes, at 3:40 PM
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