Picture of the Day - 2 - Props

It's bad enough that Bush uses US soldiers as backdrop for his political speeches, but using a wounded soldier and a father who lost a son as props?
U.S. President George W. Bush hugs U.S. Sgt Paul Brondhaver (R), who was shot in Iraq and received a Purple Heart medal and Bronze Star With Valor, after Bush threw out the first pitch of the Cincinnati Reds opening day baseball game in Cincinnati, Ohio April 3, 2006. At left is John Prazynski, who lost his son Taylor, who was serving in the military in Afghanistan. REUTERS/Jason Reed
I mean, this poor guy's been back from Iraq for how long and Bush waits until the cameras are rolling for a photo op hug?

This reminds me of the picture of Bush hugging and consoling Cindy Sheehan when he expressed a sincere and private moment of grief with the Gold Star mom....
What's that? He did what? Oh.... nevermind.
-epm, at 11:09 AM
That's all the soldiers are to Bush, props. Props he uses to prop up his sagging approval rating.
Lew Scannon, at 11:14 AM
Lew, somehow, parading out a wounded soldier is just worse.
And, EPM, The only good prop is a compliant prop.
mikevotes, at 11:49 AM
The only good prop is a compliant prop.
Of course. I was going for the irony.
It's emblematic of Bush and the current crop of wingnut Republicans who do not even pretend to want to prepresent America, rather, they proudly vilify the 50% of Americans who disagree with their politics, and see their only loyalty to be to their most rabid supporters.
-epm, at 12:11 PM
You just encapsulated Rovian politics. And I think "viilify" is exactly the right word.
(Sorry to make him an adjective.)
mikevotes, at 1:19 PM
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