Picture of the Day - Tom Delay won't run again!

I guess it's just no fun being Tom Delay anymore.
Delay to announce tomorrow that he will not seek reelection.
Funny how this comes just one business day and one long thoughtful weekend after former third in command Tony Rudy plead guilty to conspiracy charges Friday with Ed Buckham seemingly soon to follow. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
Incredible, he sees himself as a victim. (Photo - AP - David Phillp)
(Might I recommend "Dancing in the Streets" as you prance happily about the room, either the version by Detroit City Councilwoman Martha Reeves or the Van Halen cover.)
I prefer the Mick Jagger/David Bowie version myself, to each his own.
Lew Scannon, at 11:07 PM
I felt this was coming after the Rudy guilty plea.
Yukkione, at 6:21 AM
Lew, I forgot about the Bowie version.
And Left of Center, yeah, when the Rudy documents referred to Delay as Representative 2, when Ney was Rep 1, the writing was on the wall. They don't use that method of referral unless you're in the targets.
Ask Fitzgerald's "offcial A", Karl Rove.
mikevotes, at 8:47 AM
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