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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Impressions from Baghdad

The NYTimes has an eyeopening report from a correspondent, Jeffrey Gettleman about the recent changes in Iraq.

It's short and well worth a read.
The minute I got to the scene, I realized I was stepping into a new Iraq. Another new Iraq, really; maybe even the third Iraq I have seen since I began reporting here in 2003.

Gone were the American tanks that used to guard the intersections. Instead, aggressive teenagers with machine guns and shiny soccer jerseys ruled the streets. They poked their heads into cars and detained whomever they wanted. There were even 8-year-olds running checkpoints, some toting toy pistols, others toting real ones. Whatever they carried, 4-foot-tall militias made me nervous. The streets now had a truly Liberian feel.....

If this all sounds depressing, it is. That's how people here feel. I've been looking hard, but in two weeks I haven't found an Iraqi optimist.....

It is difficult to communicate just how violent Baghdad has become.

Gettleman also has another more formal and "newsy" article on the scores of men who have been found tortured and killed in Baghdad simply for being Sunni or Shia, but this is the one that impacted me.


  • Interesting.

    This is the third canned comment I've had in a week. One of them was for some new tech company and off topic, please take a look at our cool new technology XXXX, another was for another candidate.

    Plus, I've gotten a couple of emails from people asking me to cover their candidates.

    Have I made the big time? Or is this happening to others. Is this the new effort to "use the power of the blogs."

    I'm going to leave this comment up, because I think it's interesting in a culture of the blogs kinda way.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 6:51 AM  

  • Two things...

    First I also found Mr. Gettleman's article very enlightening, especially the impression that we're disgengaging from daily operations, exactly what the Atlantic Monthly, in a recent article, warned against.

    Second, I've received a couple of these as well, both as comments and email, and I expect we'll see more when political spammers realize that they can defeat anti spam mechanisms by paying pennies to real humans who'll simply post their stuff and enter any required codes.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:54 AM  

  • Mr. Gettleman seems to be one of a growing number of journalists that sees Iraq this way now. His comparisson to Liberia is quite scary.

    By Blogger Yukkione, at 11:30 AM  

  • Yeah, It's really interesting that the reporters have taken up this challenge to report more "in depth" about Iraq, beyond the gory statistics.

    It's not that I'm surprised they're coming back with bad news, but the consistency and severity of that bad news makes me wonder if anyone at the Whitehouse really thought that strategy through.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 2:03 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:52 AM  

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