My Congresman is a Racist - John Culberson
Check this out. My local paper cites a study about Houston's weariness with the Katrina evacuees.
But the real thing we learn is that my congressman, John Culberson, appears to have pulled his sheet out of storage for the midterm elections.
And, by the way Mr. Culberson, this is America. Where do you come off with "Ship 'em back?" Is that your version of "Go back to Africa," you race-baiting scumbag?
I hate to say this, but this type of racial politics is going to be played out all over the country around immigration for the midterms. This is just a localized version.
Get ready. It's going to be awful.
But the real thing we learn is that my congressman, John Culberson, appears to have pulled his sheet out of storage for the midterm elections.
"These results reflect what I'm hearing from my constituents," said U.S. Rep. John Culberson, R-Houston. "I think the percentage of people unhappy with the deadbeats from New Orleans would be larger but for the big hearts of Houstonians who want these folks to get back on their feet, as I do."....See. According to Congressman Culberson, blacks are deadbeats who don't want to work. They're naturally prone to violence and can't be trusted around our children. And he believes in this so strongly that he's trying to pass (national?) legislation to affirm the power "ship 'em back."
"If they can work, but won't work, ship 'em back," he said. "If they cause problems in the schools, if they commit crime, there ought to be a one-strike rule — ship 'em back."
Although Culberson said he has been trying to attach such a provision to pending legislation, it's unclear how such an idea could be implemented.
And, by the way Mr. Culberson, this is America. Where do you come off with "Ship 'em back?" Is that your version of "Go back to Africa," you race-baiting scumbag?
I hate to say this, but this type of racial politics is going to be played out all over the country around immigration for the midterms. This is just a localized version.
Get ready. It's going to be awful.
I'm appalled. Rep Culberson should know better... Our problems are all because of the gays, single women and, of course, the Jews, not just the lazy blacks.
What we need to do is repeal the estate tax, jail gays, and codify in law the natural state of women as chattel... that'll solve all our problems.
What a knuckle-dragging, morally vacant prick.
-epm, at 3:37 PM
That's pretty funny. I'm thinking of transferring the title "my state's shame" from my senator Cornyn, to my congressman.
mikevotes, at 3:41 PM
I think since Dole they've given up on overt racism, finding it not quite chic enough. Gays and teachers are much more viable targets right now.
The sequel to the gay marriage nonsense is likely to me gay adoption.
NYC Educator, at 3:47 PM
I agree somewhat NYC Educator.
I think both immigration and gay adoption are going to be used as the soft bigotry issues depending on the part of the country. bashing gays in the south and midwest and immigrants in the west southwest.
And, you're right, the racial code has gotten much more oblique.
Also, let me add this to the comments, a friend emailed it to me.
"Culberson simply panders to his what he sees as the base motives of his constituents. I
expect you're right that the debate on immigration is going to get ugly."
I think that point is important, not that I'm right, but that these tactics wouldn't exist if there wasn't a constituency supporting them.
mikevotes, at 5:31 PM
I agree. The racism thing is still there, just below the surface.
But they're in high-denial mode about racism, pointing to Democrats and Republicans of yore and trying to push the conclusion that it's not the GOP fighting civil rights. And Fox News watchers actually buy this stuff.
NYC Educator, at 11:44 AM
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