There's been a growing movement on the left to try to find a Democrat to replace Joe Lieberman (D - Conn.) Now, maybe he wants to present himself as a centrist, look at some of his recent positions with Bush against other Dems, but to me, this smells funny.
(There never was any Joementum.)
(There never was any Joementum.)
Two prominent Republican lobbyists, Craig Fuller and H.P. Goldfield, hosted a fund-raising dinner Thursday evening at Goldfield's Washington home for Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman, seeking re-election in Connecticut this year.
Also, there seem to be more and more Al Gore sightings recently. He's really raising his presence. He was in Manilla talking about the environment, then at a Saudi gig where the headline is that he was talking about US abuses. I don't know if this is prepresidential, but he has certainly been raising his profile.
I think it is time for Lieberman to be replaced. He should be using his status to advanced the Democratic position, instead he is pandering to Bush, and cavorting with the right. Having a well funded opponant next time he is up for reelection might get him back on track.
Yukkione, at 10:11 AM
I think, depending on some things through the election, Lieberman may be seduced to switch parties. He's never going above where he is now, and after he retires, the dems aren't going to beat down his door, but he could probably work a pretty sweet deal as an advocate for Israel at the AEI or somewhere. I wouldn't expect it unless the senate ends up split, but if the Dems turn on him, it is certainly a possibility.
Or worse, he could be the Dem in McCain's "bipartisan" whitehouse.
mikevotes, at 1:34 PM
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