Picture of the Day - 3

I didn't have a very good blogging day today, nothing really lit me up. I tried to put together the piece I was talking about earlier, but it just felt like it was going nowhere. I'll try again tomorrow. So, Picture.
This is the doctor in charge of Guantanamo (unnamed at the source for security reasons.) And here's what he's doing.
(AP) A prisoner at Guantanamo Bay said the U.S. military has taken aggressive new steps to end a hunger strike, from force-feeding detainees in a restraining chair to confiscating their blankets, according to notes released by his lawyer Thursday.....
officials warned detainees on Jan. 9 that hunger strikers would be strapped tightly to a restraint chair and force-fed with a thicker tube than had been used earlier.
He also said that detainees would no longer receive throat lozenges to ease the pain of the feeding tubes and that they would have their shoes, blankets and towels taken from them and confined to a room that was deliberately kept colder than normal if they refused food. ......
Rick Murphy, a lawyer for another detainee, however, said medical records released by the Department of Defense under a court order show that one of his clients began to be "chair fed" on Jan. 11 shortly before he too decided to quit the strike.
"After 12 days of this treatment, he gave it up after he had been on the strike for over 140 days," Murphy said. "You can draw some conclusions from that."
hmm, yess, First we remove a portion of a hungry cats brain, then we insert it into the skull of a "sleeping" hunger striker. When he wakes up he is immediately hungry. The good thing is 9 Lives is cheaper than the regular chow they get. So we're saving money. It's a good thing all around."
Yukkione, at 11:11 PM
This doctor looks a little too excited by the possibility of inserting a "feeding" tube in to the patient's mouth
Lew Scannon, at 10:14 AM
Kinda a creepy photo of the guy, isn't it? That's why I saved it.
mikevotes, at 1:58 PM
When you see people 'steepling' their fingers, it's a tipoff that they're parsing their words. ...or, in English, lying.
Anonymous, at 8:54 PM
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