Bush vs Terrorists (Bush +3)
This just caught my eye.
The US has a million and a half men(and women) under arms, again not counting FBI, CIA, DHS, and locals, fighting against maybe, what, 40,000 terrorists with less than a billion a year, and the perception is 50/50 on who is winning?
How happy will I be when I see that "Under New Management" sign out in front of the White House?
February 27, 2005--Just 39% of Americans now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror. That's down from 42% earlier this month and from 44% in January. With just one exception, this is the lowest level of confidence ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.
Even more dramatic is the fact that 36% now believe the terrorists are winning. That's up five points over the past two weeks and up ten points since our January survey.
A plurality of women and a majority of Democrats now believe the terrorists are winning.
36% believe the terrorists are beating the US. Think about that a minute. How mismanaged has this whole thing been when a $500 billion defense department, plus another $135 billion for Iraq/Afghanistan, plus all the funding for the FBI, CIA, DHS, local grants, and all the rest, and people still think the terrorists are winning.
The US has a million and a half men(and women) under arms, again not counting FBI, CIA, DHS, and locals, fighting against maybe, what, 40,000 terrorists with less than a billion a year, and the perception is 50/50 on who is winning?
How happy will I be when I see that "Under New Management" sign out in front of the White House?
I'm confused. Where are we actually fighting terrorists? In Iraq, we are fighting an insurgency. Iran is a theocracy, and in Afghanistan we're fighting with tribal warlords, alQaeda having been rounded up and shipped to Guantanamo or escaped to Pakistan.
How can we win a war we aren't even fighting?
Lew Scannon, at 5:44 PM
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