Picture of the Day
They were near a car bombing. The father took shrapnel in the neck arm and head, and all he wants is just for his child to stop hurting.
I can hear him.
"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay...."
(I know I've been pushing the line the last few days on the pictures, but they are just touching me deeply.
Also, just let me make a note here that there has been a transition in the wire photos. Shortly after Jill Carroll's abduction, the wire services pulled their people back inside the green zone which meant far less pictures from on the ground in Iraq.
Over the last few weeks, it's become apparent, if you look at the bylines, that the wire services have started employing Iraqis to go out and get photographs. Interestingly, this has resulted in a very different composition. Just looking tonight on the Yahoo Iraq tab, there are four pictures of injured small children and several bodies in the most recent 30 pictures or so whereas before you would rarely see one a week. The US and European photographers had been taking alot more pictures of US and British soldiers because that was who they were travelling with.
Previously, almost all the Iraqis pictured were insurgents or townspeople talking with US soldiers, whereas now, with the far greater mobility of local photographers, we're seeing the rest of the people. I don't know what impact it will have; it's just an observation.)
Facsinating observation at the end there. I linked to it this morning.
By Bravo 2-1, at 6:41 AM
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