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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


FirstRead claims that the RNC is about to turn in its best fundraising month ever outside of a Presidential campaign (fuelled by healthcare.)


  • Large corporate donors going all in? Or have they tapped into a broad, middle-income, segregationist and secessionists demographic? I don't see the anti-establishment, anti-democracy Tea Partiers as likely donors to the Republican party. To candidates, yes. But not to the party (or RSCC, RCCC)

    By Blogger -epm, at 11:20 AM  

  • Didn't really say. It sounded like a wave on healthcare which would seem like primarily "outraged" small donor and businesses who were surprised by the rather quick revival and passage of the bill.

    By Blogger mikevotes, at 11:38 AM  

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