N. Korea
It's getting particularly messy around N. Korean diplomacy. (But then again, trying to transition power to Dear Leader's 26 year old son was always going to be difficult.)
The N. Korean's are saying they're going to enrich their plutonium to bomb levels (estimated 1 bomb,) and the UN Sec Council approved full search and seizure of all N. Korean shipments.
Despite signing on to the 15-0 Sec Council resolution, China is warning against the use of force in implementation, and the US is saying they won't use force, but will trail and "spotlight" any ships refusing. (Bloomberg)
There seems to be a very real fear that N. Korea may be set to sell technology/parts.
The N. Korean's are saying they're going to enrich their plutonium to bomb levels (estimated 1 bomb,) and the UN Sec Council approved full search and seizure of all N. Korean shipments.
Despite signing on to the 15-0 Sec Council resolution, China is warning against the use of force in implementation, and the US is saying they won't use force, but will trail and "spotlight" any ships refusing. (Bloomberg)
There seems to be a very real fear that N. Korea may be set to sell technology/parts.
Even with UN cover the ship-searching will be the spark that sets the whole thing off. Very surprised China went along with it.
Anonymous, at 8:56 AM
They sorta did, sorta didn't. I haven't checked the exact wording, but it sounds like they're for stronger language and voluntary searches, but no forced searches.
mikevotes, at 11:51 AM
Inspections are to be based on 'consent' whatever that means....
Look like an accident waiting to happen.
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM
I think the Guardian piece I linked has it. They have to ask permission to board and search.
mikevotes, at 3:15 PM
And if permission is refused they attempt to maneuver the vessel into port. All based on suspicion. Looks like NK will be doing more provocative action.
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM
mikevotes, at 10:00 PM
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