Comments are most of the fun of blogging.
Todd had a great comment last night about the "teaparties."
You just saw 300k nationwide protesting the current tax levels, which are Bush's tax levels, and blaming Obama for it. Then they say that Obama will raise taxes, even though he says he will cut them. They know this because Obama is a "liar". No matter what Obama may say or do, they "know" what he "really" intends and wants, and they oppose it utterly..
Think about that for a moment.
They are protesting an imaginary President....
You know, I have watched all of this 'Tea Party' stuff from the sidelines, mostly because it simply does not interest me much.
But I will say this. The left has done an exemplary job of re-branding the whole thing. You do not understand why they are protesting, so y'all make up reasons. And then criticize those made up reasons as if they were real.
To a large extent, this is their own fault for not getting together a solid set of talking points. But still, pretending they are protesting current tax levels is getting weak.
OpenMindedRepublican, at 2:21 PM
Well, the whole point is that they're not really protesting any one thing. Some are protesting taxes, some spending, some debt...
But really what undermined them is that all of them were protesting Obama. That seemed to be the only consistent complaint, and, thus, like so many on the left who used to just protest Bush, these folks come out looking partisan and unreasonable.
mikevotes, at 3:27 PM
That I won't argue with at all.
Mind, I think they have some legitimate reasons for concern, but if they want to be taken seriously, they need to put together a more coherent statement.
OpenMindedRepublican, at 3:35 PM
Well, so did the lefties against Iraq or torture, but it all got lost in the haze.
Successful protests are those that are so big they're viewed from the air, as a mass with a single message.
If you get down to the ground level, all the different crazies make it on camera and are seen as more significant.
mikevotes, at 6:07 PM
"But still, pretending they are protesting current tax levels is getting weak."
Well, if they aren't protesting current tax levels, then they are protesting the future tax increases that Obama will impose - the imaginary ones that no one outside of the tea parties believes exists.
For my entire adult life, Republicans have been saying that tax cuts increase revenue. Now they are saying that Obama's tax cuts won't, so he will need to raise taxes.
If it's about spending, then what is the solution? When an economy is in recession, government spending is the only way to get out that situation. Otherwise it's a downward spiral of nobody spending, which means fewer jobs, which means nobody spends, and so on.
We tried that with Hoover. It didn't work.
What were the tea parties really about? It was an attempt to build up an imaginary and demonic Obama: Obama will take away your guns, put you in a FEMA concentration camp, brainwash your children, impose a Cuban-style dictatorship, raise taxes, surrender to terrorism, and force you to bow to Allah.
This imaginary and demonic Obama is, indeed, a scary guy. I would oppose him, too, if he were to actually exist. Obama himself would stand against the bogeyman created by the Right.
The Party tried all of this scare tactic stuff during the election campaign and it didn't work. Why can't they give up the scary bogeyman Obama? Because that is all they have, so they are going to keep repeating it and keep pretending that they are the ones keeping the scary bogeyman from working his evil will on the nation.
Here's an idea for the GOP: hang up wolfsbane in public places across the country to repel werewolves. When people say, "That's dumb. Werewolves don't exist", then you have the nation right where you want them. You can portray the GOP as the only thing keeping werewolves from ripping apart your family while they sleep, and the Democrats automatically become the "pro-werewolf Party".
And then you can point to the scarcity of werewolves as proof that Democrats just "don't get it".
I probably shouldn't be helping you guys out like this, but there it is - the path to permanent Republican majority.
Todd Dugdale , at 1:13 PM
I also think that within a segment, the propaganda has taken a life of its own. Admittedly, it's fuelled, but the black helicopter crowd sees this stuff regardless.
Perhaps there's an interesting book on the differences between the right's paranoid fantasies and the left's.
mikevotes, at 4:06 PM
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