Minority Status
It appears the Republicans have decided to be "outraged" at the Dems' successful Limbaugh tactic (a week after it started.)
Boehner gets a WaPo oped claiming he's not being listened to because of the Limbaugh thing, (No, it's because you're the (substantial) House Minority Leader and what you think has no impact on anything.)
My state's shame John Cornyn writes a letter echoing the "outrage," claiming that "President Obama owes the American people an explanation."
Drudge continues to carry his banner headline of a great Dem conspiracy on this, stretching the context of the article to create noise.
Seems like they've got a coordinated plan.... however, it seems predicated upon the belief that the American people are just chomping at the bit to hear the Republican positions.
They're having a little trouble getting used to their (super)minority status.
(...on the other hand, if anyone actually asks the Limbaugh question, Republicans are still at great pains... They're really hoping to flip this into a discussion of Dem tactics.)
(Also, I don't think Limbaugh as GOP is going away. Even if it subsides, I think there's been enough groundwork laid that it will recur.)
Boehner gets a WaPo oped claiming he's not being listened to because of the Limbaugh thing, (No, it's because you're the (substantial) House Minority Leader and what you think has no impact on anything.)
My state's shame John Cornyn writes a letter echoing the "outrage," claiming that "President Obama owes the American people an explanation."
Drudge continues to carry his banner headline of a great Dem conspiracy on this, stretching the context of the article to create noise.
Seems like they've got a coordinated plan.... however, it seems predicated upon the belief that the American people are just chomping at the bit to hear the Republican positions.
They're having a little trouble getting used to their (super)minority status.
(...on the other hand, if anyone actually asks the Limbaugh question, Republicans are still at great pains... They're really hoping to flip this into a discussion of Dem tactics.)
(Also, I don't think Limbaugh as GOP is going away. Even if it subsides, I think there's been enough groundwork laid that it will recur.)
There are also increasing hints among the right-wing punditry that it is time for the Republicans to "take the gloves off" and attack Obama.
As far as I can see, trying to "flip this into a discussion of Dem tactics" just reinforces the idea that the Republicans have made fools of themselves. They welcomed this fight, and now that they've been humiliated it's all inconsequential and a distraction.
And you are absolutely right that they still seem to be operating under the assumption that the nation is interested in their opinion.
Todd Dugdale , at 9:03 AM
I saw something on that, too. Probably should have included it. Was it in that Politico "Pelosi is a bad target" piece?
I think flipping it on the Dems works a little bit in that it muddies the waters, but the underlying issue is still there, and I just have this sense that this comparing to Limbaugh is going to carry through for a ggod while.
Anytime a reporter wants to gin a story, all they have to do is ask, "do you agree with Limbaugh?"
I don't think it'll happen alot because it will piss off the target and lose the reporter a little, but no I think it will always be out there as an easy reporter hook everytime Limbaugh says something outrageous.
I don't know if "Limbaugh as leader" will survive, but I have a hunch he's going to be hung around their necks for the foreseeable future.
mikevotes, at 10:16 AM
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