Jerry Brown in 2010
I don't know why this is incredible to me, but Jerry Brown, yes that Jerry Brown, is an early polling leader for the Dem side of the 2010 California gubernatorial race.
This might just be name ID, but that's pretty amazing.
This might just be name ID, but that's pretty amazing.
Not sure why Jerry Brown doing well in the polls for the Dem nomination for Gov of California would be considered amazing.
The poll lead is far more than name I.D.; Brown is the State Attorney General, and before that served two terms as Mayor of Oakland. He was also chair of the State Democratic Party. (He isn't term'd out, as his prior two terms as Governor was prior to the advent of term limits.
Expect Brown to run, and to do very well. (His main difficulties would be 1) if Sen. Diane Feinstein (DiFi) ran, and 2) the fact that Antonio Villaraigosa is the only Southern Californian in the running at this point, while there are several Norte Californianos running -- S.F. Mayor Newsome, Lt. Gov. John Garamendi.)
Villaraigosa was weakened somewhat by his mediocre showing in his reelection last week, garnering only 56% of the vote against a field of unknowns who he reportedly outspent 15 to 1.
Some of the mentioned candidates may not last until election day, but I expect Brown to be there until the end, regardless of whether DiFi gets in.
Anonymous, at 3:01 PM
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