The media loves this sh*t
(WaPo) Plouffe tries to spin the Limbaugh thing.
A WaPo front page catchall on Limbaugh and the GOP.
(Politico) Steele dissed on Morning Joe.
(YouTube) Letterman ripped them, trying to bait Katie Couric in.
And, (HuffPo) Limbaugh is just going crazy under the pressure, seeing grand conspiracies against him, and choosing which reporters are "butt boys" and which are not.
Everywhere you look, Republicans, centered around Limbaugh and Steele, are the subject of joke, and in politics, being this kind of joke is very, very bad.
From the grumblings and the leaks of past malfeasance, it looks like Steele may be the one who is going to take the fall.
Politico has another collection of GOP complaints about Steele.
(And tell me all of this hasn't offered a ton of political cover for the Obama folks. Anything the GOP is saying is being drowned out. Heard much about the budget?)
A WaPo front page catchall on Limbaugh and the GOP.
(Politico) Steele dissed on Morning Joe.
(YouTube) Letterman ripped them, trying to bait Katie Couric in.
And, (HuffPo) Limbaugh is just going crazy under the pressure, seeing grand conspiracies against him, and choosing which reporters are "butt boys" and which are not.
Everywhere you look, Republicans, centered around Limbaugh and Steele, are the subject of joke, and in politics, being this kind of joke is very, very bad.
From the grumblings and the leaks of past malfeasance, it looks like Steele may be the one who is going to take the fall.
Politico has another collection of GOP complaints about Steele.
(And tell me all of this hasn't offered a ton of political cover for the Obama folks. Anything the GOP is saying is being drowned out. Heard much about the budget?)
"Anything the GOP is saying is being drowned out."
At best. At worst they'll be heard, but heard as Rush's "butt boys," if you will.
-epm, at 9:38 AM
Yup. They found a fracture and the spotlight isn't kind.
mikevotes, at 10:27 AM
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