Michael Steele at CPAC - Bush years, "my bad."
That whole Iraq thing, crushed economy.... "my bad."
The stuff coming out of CPAC is just delusional.
“Tonight, we tell America that Republican values, conservative values, are right for America,” he said, admitting that the party has made some mistakes. “Tonight, we tell America: we know the past, we know we did wrong. My bad. But we go forward in appreciation of the values that brought us to this point.”
The stuff coming out of CPAC is just delusional.
So how's that Bush Legacy Creation program goin'?
-epm, at 8:50 AM
"And finally: Yesterday at CPAC, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) told RNC chairman Michael Steele that he was “da man” after he concluded his remarks. “Michael Steele!” exclaimed Bachmann, the event moderator. “You be da man! You be da man.”"
It just keeps getting more and more insulting. At this rate by Saturday they'll be throwing around "niggah" cause, you know, they all be so gangsta.
I wanna puke.
-epm, at 8:58 AM
Bachmann is quite the entertainer, isn't she? I miss being in her district by about 15 miles.
It's nice to know she makes non-Minnesotans want to puke, too. Her constituents love that she "riles up the libs", but at some point a Representative has to actually, you know, govern.
"My bad" - very pathetic.
Isn't this the ideological equivalent of filing for bankruptcy?
The GOP has no ideological or rhetorical "assets" from the "fourth quarter", so they are closing out the books and starting over "under new management".
Todd Dugdale , at 9:07 AM
EPM, that is pretty incredible. I hadn't seen that.
But it's always ugly when the dorky white guy tries to go "street."
Todd, "Filing for bankruptcy" does fit it pretty damn well.
mikevotes, at 10:22 AM
This link shows, despite all current claims to the contrary, just how much CPAC liked Bush last year.
"Keene has a short memory. Last year, he expressed his “delight” that Bush would be attending the 2008 conference, calling it “a great opportunity for thousands of conservatives” to “evaluate the accomplishments of his administration.” As for the conservative community, when Bush stood up to speak, the entire audience rapturously chanted, “Four more years!” "
This idea from the Right that they sullenly endured Bush is complete fiction.
Todd Dugdale , at 7:08 PM
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