The death of "democracy" in Afghanistan
I've seen this as rumor a couple of places, but Politico prints it as story.
The Pentagon’s top military officers are recommending to President Barack Obama that he shift U.S. strategy in Afghanistan — to focus on ensuring regional stability and eliminating Taliban and al-Qaida safe havens in Pakistan, rather than on achieving lasting democracy and a thriving Afghan economy, officials said..
The recommendations to narrow U.S. goals are contained in a classified report by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that is likely to be shown soon to Obama as part of a review of Afghanistan strategy announced by the new administration.
A reduced surge? Could be a polite way of the Pentagon letting Obama of the hook.
Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
Bush's vision of "democracy" was always superficial. Like a Hollywood back lot where all the buildings and store fronts are beautiful on the surface but just empty shells on the inside, Bush was content to steamroll elections and declare victory.
Shallow, shallow vision. As if covering over a condemned property with new wall paper would somehow make the property secure and functional.
-epm, at 8:15 AM
Anon, I think it's more an admission that with the effects bleeding over from the tribal lands, there's no way a US set up government could ever survive.
EPM, it's like he read it in the neocon's children's book.
mikevotes, at 8:31 AM
It's also getting harder to get supplies in.....
Anonymous, at 3:10 PM
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