Political bits
(Politico) Michelle Bachman's crazy McCarthyite rant on Hardball has resulted in $150,000 in donations to her opponent.
(Update: Bachman's opponent now says it's up to $438K.)
(McClatchy) Early turnout in NC is very heavy and very Dem.
(CQ) Someone was manipulating the presidential futures at InTrade creating the perception that McCain was doing better.
(NJournal) Ron Brownstein has a rather lengthy look at voting patterns in a few micro demographics for the last 20 years.
And, (CNN) McCain is trying to get "Joe the Plumber" on stage with him.
(Update: Bachman's opponent now says it's up to $438K.)
(McClatchy) Early turnout in NC is very heavy and very Dem.
(CQ) Someone was manipulating the presidential futures at InTrade creating the perception that McCain was doing better.
(NJournal) Ron Brownstein has a rather lengthy look at voting patterns in a few micro demographics for the last 20 years.
And, (CNN) McCain is trying to get "Joe the Plumber" on stage with him.
As a Minnesotan, I've been hoping that Bachmann would get tossed ever since she first ran. Just a little background:
In the debate of 2006, she stated that God had chosen her to win, and she asked the other two candidates if God had, indeed, assured them of victory as He had with her.
Her opponent, Tinklenberg, is weak and unimpressive. While Bachmann has received strong support from national neocon figures, those don't count for nearly as much as they used to, and she has done nothing for her district.
She lost a lot of support among the evangelical community by strongly boosting a local con artist (Petters), who scammed dozens of local Christian charities and churches out of millions. Almost all of the victims trusted Petters because Bachmann spoke so highly of him.
With her latest tirade, however, I think we can finally rid ourselves of this loon.
Todd Dugdale , at 5:05 PM
So, Katherine Harris without the complicating psychosis/schizophrenia?
Hasn't she had some other weird national episode where she's said something wacky?
PS. Good luck with getting rid of her.
Both my locals are a mess. Rep Culberson, who you've probably never heard of, and Sen. "nobody cares about civil liberties when they're dead" Cornyn. But, Texas, so I'm probably stuck with them.
mikevotes, at 5:42 PM
Hasn't she had some other weird national episode where she's said something wacky?
At least one, but the one you are likely remembering was her overly-long "hug" with Bush.
She's not my Representative. I'm at least 30 miles outside of her district. But she is gone after this episode. Tinklenberg was already within 4 points, and now it will be a sure thing.
My sympathies about Cornyn, by the way.
So, Katherine Harris without the complicating psychosis/schizophrenia?
More like that Sekula-Gibbs character. And I wouldn't rule out any mental illnesses. She has "conversations with God" live on the local Christian radio station, and apparently God makes it a high priority to help with her fund-raising. God is a Republican, too, in case you haven't spoken with Him lately.
Todd Dugdale , at 6:58 PM
I don't remember exactly what it was, I just remember a bunch of the lefty bloggers getting excited about her for something.
And the reason I mention Harris is because I got very interested as she broke down into a paranoid psychosis in the middle of her campaign.
The downside of really believing you've been chosen for office by god is that when that falls apart, it means god doesn't love you anymore. Very stressful on the psyche.
mikevotes, at 9:53 PM
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