Political bits
There are roughly 3 million people in Iowa. Less than 250,000 are expected to caucus.
(NYTimes) As part of his final push, "John Edwards says that if elected president he would withdraw the American troops who are training the Iraqi army and police as part of a broader plan to remove virtually all American forces within 10 months."
(AP) As part of her final push, "Clinton has bought two minutes of air time on the early evening local newscasts in every media market in the state." (Also ABC.)
(NYDailyNews) Clinton is arranging babysitters and "day care centers" for caucusgoers?
(Politico) An analysis piece on GOP malaise.
(WaPoblog) All the articles are talking about huge turnout at the Dem events.
(NYSun) Giuliani will try to claim a little of the spotlight by calling for a "surge" in Afghanistan. (Sorry, Rudy. It's all about Iowa today.)
(Politico) Huckabee's flip flop on the ad cost his campaign $150,000 and "portrays a chaotic decision-making process inside the Huckabee campaign."
The NYTimes offers a large explanatory article blaming the misstep on tensions between Huckabee and chief consultant Ed Rollins. (Did Rollins earn his money by planting this story to take the blame?)
Later: Yes. The WaPo credits Rollins with the story.
(CNN) Huckabee explains his not reading the Iran NIE this way, "President Bush didn’t read it for four years; I don’t know why I should read it in four hours.”
And, again, what's the spin if Obama brings in tons of independent caucusers as some polling suggests? Assuming there's no blowout, that could be the biggest storyline out of Iowa.
(NYTimes) As part of his final push, "John Edwards says that if elected president he would withdraw the American troops who are training the Iraqi army and police as part of a broader plan to remove virtually all American forces within 10 months."
(AP) As part of her final push, "Clinton has bought two minutes of air time on the early evening local newscasts in every media market in the state." (Also ABC.)
(NYDailyNews) Clinton is arranging babysitters and "day care centers" for caucusgoers?
(Politico) An analysis piece on GOP malaise.
(WaPoblog) All the articles are talking about huge turnout at the Dem events.
(NYSun) Giuliani will try to claim a little of the spotlight by calling for a "surge" in Afghanistan. (Sorry, Rudy. It's all about Iowa today.)
(Politico) Huckabee's flip flop on the ad cost his campaign $150,000 and "portrays a chaotic decision-making process inside the Huckabee campaign."
The NYTimes offers a large explanatory article blaming the misstep on tensions between Huckabee and chief consultant Ed Rollins. (Did Rollins earn his money by planting this story to take the blame?)
Later: Yes. The WaPo credits Rollins with the story.
(CNN) Huckabee explains his not reading the Iran NIE this way, "President Bush didn’t read it for four years; I don’t know why I should read it in four hours.”
And, again, what's the spin if Obama brings in tons of independent caucusers as some polling suggests? Assuming there's no blowout, that could be the biggest storyline out of Iowa.
Is it just me, or have the traditional media gone a little cold on Huck? I think you were right when you suggested that Huck would go too sectarian. That and his unrepentant and almost proud claim to ignorance have made him look more like a rube than someone endowed with folksy wisdom.
-epm, at 9:05 AM
It was bound to happen. They raised him up when it looked like Clinton and Romney had locks and there was no story.
He was a good story, but not really a complete candidate able to stand up to scrutiny.
Plus, the GOP insiders hate him so there's lots of inertia for stories.
mikevotes, at 10:41 AM
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