Kucinich leans to Obama
I just heard on CNN that Kucinich is encouraging his supporters to go to Obama in the Iowa caucuses. Just waiting to hear from Richardson, Dodd, and Biden.
Later: Kucinich statement.
Later: Kucinich statement.
Which impacts the race more: Nader endorsing Edwards, or Kucinich giving a not to Obama?
Right now, for better or worse, Richardson and Biden are the only second tier candidates polling above white noise (barely). It seems to me that there would have to be some consensus among the second tier giving a nod to one candidate or another for there to be any sort of electoral consequence. In fact, if Richardson nods to Clinton, that could have more consequence than anything. That's what I think we're seeing in NH (http://www.pollster.com/IATopzDems.php). Clinton and Richardson's poll numbers seem to be reciprocal... if you squint a little.
-epm, at 6:33 PM
Obama spent the day knocking Edwards, HRC, Al Gore and John Kerry. Says only he can bring the country together. He plans on doing this by attacking every core Dem constituency there is. I guess now that he's hammered Gore and Kerry, FDR will be next on his list. After all, FDR was too divisive a figure to bring the country together to solve the Great Depression.
Reality-Based Educator, at 7:14 PM
EPM, they all strike different deals for different reasons. I've long thought that Richardson had a some sort of deal with Clinton (Maybe Sec State?) and really, he's the big dog among the second tiers.
I guess the question is, how much do these commitments matter? I don't think I'd vote for candidate B if my candidate told me too.
Reality, working off that Des Moines Register poll, I would guess he's trying to nail down all those independents who will be necessary for him to win. He has to have those voters to win, and I don't think it will cost him too much from the Dem side since he's doing it so late.
mikevotes, at 9:46 PM
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