From Drudge: "Following their testimony to Congress, General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker will appear exclusively on FOX News Channel on Monday at 9pm EDT for a one hour live interview with Brit Hume."
I assume this is part of the after testimony PR blitz,
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they're going on Hume's show, the man deemed safe enough to interview Cheney after he shot a man in the face.
Later: (WaPo/ABC poll) "Only about four in 10 said they expect the general to give an accurate accounting of the situation in Iraq. A majority, 53 percent, said they think his report will try to make the situation in Iraq look better than it really is."
I assume this is part of the after testimony PR blitz,
The decision to place the general and the ambassador as the advance guard for the president’s own announcement on Iraq strategy continues with what one aide called “an aggressive schedule” even after the two days of hearings.
A joint news conference by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker is scheduled for Wednesday. The venue will be a large public hall, not at the Pentagon or State Department; the location remains undisclosed for security reasons. Interviews with television anchors and newspaper and magazine reporters are planned.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they're going on Hume's show, the man deemed safe enough to interview Cheney after he shot a man in the face.
Later: (WaPo/ABC poll) "Only about four in 10 said they expect the general to give an accurate accounting of the situation in Iraq. A majority, 53 percent, said they think his report will try to make the situation in Iraq look better than it really is."
I've been thinking, isn't the real question, "Given we're the world's only 'super power' why is it we're even having this hearing five years into the American invasion of Iraq?"
We've set the bar waaaay too low for the Administration. If they can show ANY metric of improvement -- whatever that means -- they'll declare victory and demand we stay the course. The bar must be much, much higher. Why isn't Iraq the model of democracy -- a Middle Eastern beacon on a hill -- that we were promised in 2003?
-epm, at 6:53 PM
Because we're not allowed to talk about past mistakes.
I think that's one of the greatest media successes of this administration.
And the hearings were originally supposed to be a hook which would allow Republicans to peel away, but that doesn't look like it's happening.
mikevotes, at 9:27 PM
"Because we're not allowed to talk about past mistakes."
That's right. How many times do we hear....stop playing the blame game and deal with the problem as it is now.
Anonymous, at 8:42 AM
Well, right now the problem is the "World's Only Super Power" has failed to pacify a country 60% the size of Texas.
-epm, at 9:37 AM
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