Picture of the Day - The best and worst of image control.
Without question, the Obama campaign has been the best at this with almost every news photo reinforcing their campaign themes of excitement, populism, and change.
(Honorable mentions go to the Clinton and Giuliani campaigns. They take no chances, but rarely do you see message distracting photos of either of them.)
I would say that the Thompson campaign has been by far the worst. Look at the disaster below, for instance. Who lets their candidate be shot like this?
(The Edwards campaign is pretty bad at image control, too.)
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Gabriel in County Kerry Ireland
Gabriel, at 10:21 AM
Thompson seems disinterested in the whole campaign idea. I have the feeling some group has overcome his initial objections, and is behind him pushing hard just to get him to move.
He seems old, in the same way McCain seems old, but worse, he seems tired.
Anonymous, at 11:07 AM
Gabriel, I'll take a look.
Local, the early reports were that the foot in his back was that of his wife.
And, I think they convinced him that he would be the conservative savior and could conduct a "new style of campaigning" that didn't involve as much work. (That they would sell him as an idea more than as a candidate.)
But it seems to be falling apart on the fundraising side because people want some face to face for their dollars.
mikevotes, at 2:32 PM
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