Picture of the Day - 2
"My husband does hate immigrants. He really does.... C'mon Mitt, stand up there and tell them how much you hate immigrants.... "
(Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney with his wife, Ann, speak to the delegates Saturday, May 19, 2007, at the Republican Party State Convention in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain))
Mitt is the epitome of the cynical pandering politician, as far as I can tell. He will say and do anything to get what he wants. His reversal of positions goes far beyond an evolution of thinking, a refinement of notions. Republicans will have to ask themselves "Was he lying to us then, or his he lying to us now."
Despite current polling, I think, of the present field, Mitt is my favorite (as in odds making) for becoming the Repub nominee. He has ice water in his veins, I tell you. He's like one of those creepy, former Nazi, torturers from a Cold War era movie. The kind of guy who would disembowel an enemy in his basement in the afternoon, then lovingly tuck his children in bed, reading stories to them from "The Book of Virtues" in the evening.
-epm, at 10:23 AM
Oh, definitely. The question on such liars is always, do the targets want to believe him? If you have a highly receptive audience, they are willing to disregard discordant elements that might shake their chosen perception.
I don't have a feel on the Republican race yet. With all the well known baggage, I don't see how the could nominate any of these guys, but they're very probably gonna.
I think of Romney as a local news anchorman.Polished, apparently genuine, able to deliver any line on the teleprompter with the appropriate inflection.
mikevotes, at 10:57 AM
I think it's possible the Repubs could see Romney (and Giuliani) as being "electable" in the general. This could be a factor in the Repub rationalization process as to what warts to ignore.
If the Fundamentalist Christian block continues in its funk and dosen't mobilize en masse to the polls, it will only serve to help Romney (and Rudy). I think the average Repub voter has had enough of religious pandering.
The wild card in this is Fred Thompson. I'm not sure how much his TV character persona plays into the mix. In the Repub camp, I think they'd flock to him like drowning people to a lifesaver. But will there be a morning-after regret once the actor is separated from the character.
I think your Romney-anchorman observation is spot on.
-epm, at 11:58 AM
I'm torn about the role of the fundamentalist Christians.
More than all their volume and their votes, their main influence has been offering volunteers for the campaign structures.
They may be willing to vote for Giuliani or Romney, but their main value has been their fervor, and I wonder if there will be enough of it to drive them to make calls and knock on doors.
They will really have to villainize to get these people working.
And, I'm not so sure about Fred Thompson. He's always played a very one dimensional character. His general tone has been dour, and although that tone might work on terror or whatever, he hardly shows an inspirational streak.
mikevotes, at 2:16 PM
"I'm torn about the role of the fundamentalist Christians.
Me too. The problem is that to a large extent what I know about the fundamentalist movement is pretty much what the MSM tells me. And if that isn't an admission of not having the full picture, I don't know what is.
Re: Thompson
"He's always played a very one dimensional character."
Dude. We're talking about Republican primary voters... :) But still, at first blush, Thompson will have high name/face recognition and, I think, positive appeal based solely on Americans shallowness. As I said, when the bloom is off the rose Thompson will most likely be in the also ran category. 11/08 is a loooong way off.
-epm, at 4:13 PM
I just don't see Thompson as having charisma. If you've ever caught him on Law and Order, he's trying to be that Republican candidate, and he's not attractive (at least to me.)
I really see Gingrich as a better late candidate (for the primary) because he's so good at throwing barbs and oneliners. He's a soundbyte king.
mikevotes, at 4:34 PM
I think Gingrich is more of a media darling than a real grassroots, party-base, favorite. He's too inside the beltway with about as much baggage as Rudy. Though you're right about the babs and oneliners... but so is Buchanan. I wonder if Gingrich is past his sell-by date.
I know Thompson lacks that frat boy, Bushian charisma. But he has that gruff, folksy, authoritarian thing going on. And most importantly, I think he also conveys that truthiness vibe... if you know your right, why bother with facts. I still think he'd draw a crowd among conservatives. I'm not saying Obama crowds, but more than the average Repub candidate.
Just spouting off... engaging in a little truthiness myself...
-epm, at 8:03 PM
Are sure she isn't holding up a cardboard cutout of Mitt?
Lew Scannon, at 9:13 PM
EPM, I really don't know. If I were a devout Republican voting in the primary (who else would this year,) I'd have no idea who to pick above anyone else.
Lew, you mean there's a Romney out there who is not a campaign poster cutout?
mikevotes, at 9:21 PM
That old Mittmo is one handsome potential torturer.
Anonymous, at 11:41 PM
All the good ones are taken, right?
Mitt Romney reminds me of the groom at a wedding where your family vaguely knows the bride.
Everyone agrees he's "a catch," but at the same time there's something about him that just doesn't feel right.
mikevotes, at 7:15 AM
"Mitt Romney reminds me of the groom at a wedding where your family vaguely knows the bride."
That is one keeper quote, buddy!
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
Romney as cardboard cutout
just a little fun with photoshop
-epm, at 12:24 PM
That picture is funny! He do look a little stiff and rehearsed don't he. Ronnie would be so proud.
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
Not bad, EPM.
Mustard, The photo just gives me the impression of his wife pushing him so hard to do something he doesn't want to do.
mikevotes, at 1:52 PM
Okay -epm... remember you started it...
Romney... slide tab 'B' into slot 'A'.
Mike, she could be another Nancy.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
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