Ipso Facto Fuck You
An exchange from today's press briefing.
They were all over Tony Snow about why no one has been fired.
Q And it does relate to the Libby verdict yesterday. The President has said that he expects everyone on his staff to uphold the highest ethical standards. Does the President believe that everyone involved in this has upheld the highest ethical standards?
They were all over Tony Snow about why no one has been fired.
It seems the WH has increasingly been in a "bar the door and board the windows" mode as they dig in their heels and continue to refuse to deal with the ugly face of reality.
Look at how much has changed since the 06 elections. Both in the actions of the Bush administration (engaging N. Korea, firing Rumsfeld, etc.) and the pulling back of the veil on the complete corruptness of the administration. I have the feeling the Bush administration wasn't completely prepared for the smack down they received from the citizens of this country.
-epm, at 10:13 PM
sumo, at 11:49 PM
EPM, I don't think they were prepared. I think it really shook the president.
It seems to me like in the immediate aftermath of the loss, thos that the president blamed, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, were all pushed back in their influence. Although, watching now, it looks to me like their clawing their way back.
The Al Qaeda's gonna getcha of Cheney has slowly come back. The unfounded arrogance and pugnaciousness of Rove has slowly reasserted.
These guys know the game and know their mark. I think the election wobbled their positions as much as anything, but they're back.
mikevotes, at 7:15 AM
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