The '08 Republicans are playing dirty already
First, there was the attack on Romney for not being bigoted enough against gays orchestrated by the religious right.
Now, we have the "top-secret plan for Rudy Giuliani's bid for the White House" leaked to the press by "a source sympathetic to one of Giuliani's rivals for the White House."
Everybody but McCain. Funny, that.
I guess the lesson he learned in 2000 was that winning is more important than integrity. Now, that's the "maverick" I've come to know over the last four years.
(Question: Is this an amazing coincidence or is somebody "sympathetic to one of Giuliani's rivals" following them, bribing chamber maids, and scouring the rooms?)
Now, we have the "top-secret plan for Rudy Giuliani's bid for the White House" leaked to the press by "a source sympathetic to one of Giuliani's rivals for the White House."
Everybody but McCain. Funny, that.
I guess the lesson he learned in 2000 was that winning is more important than integrity. Now, that's the "maverick" I've come to know over the last four years.
(Question: Is this an amazing coincidence or is somebody "sympathetic to one of Giuliani's rivals" following them, bribing chamber maids, and scouring the rooms?)
McCain hired many Bush people to run his campaign. This is classic Rove stuff.
So much for straight talk.
Reality-Based Educator, at 2:28 PM
Oh yeah. He signed on with team Bush back in '04. Rove gave him the mailing lists and connections to top donors a year ago.
I'm amazed because it's happening so early.
Good strategy if you can knock them out. If not, I think Giuliani, at least, can play dirty, too.
mikevotes, at 2:32 PM
The media love a sensational drama, real or imagined, and they'll think nothing of slanting their reporting to play up the suspense. The '08 Repub drama, real or imagined, is the battle for the soul of the party... realist vs. neocon vs. right wing fundi. I think we'll see the reporting of the Repub horse race couched in these terms... as party infighting.
I wonder if this will affect the vibe the great unwashed masses have about that party.
-epm, at 8:18 PM
That's why McCain came out so early to jump into bed with the fundies. He wants their workers and organization.
I think it's also going to be about Iraq since McCain has tied his horse to the administration's policy. At least it will be if the McCain challengers do their job. Of, course, the may have to dance the Kerry line to get there. It's tough to say where the Bush faithful will be on Iraq in a year.
mikevotes, at 9:02 PM
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