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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The secondary story in the Iraq consultations

Just another item that shouldn't be lost in the will he/won't he increase troop levels coverage.
A constant subtext in the meeting yesterday, and in the ongoing White House review, is the Joint Chiefs' growing concern about the erosion of the U.S. military's ability to deal with other crises around the world because of the heavy commitment in Iraq and the stress on troops and equipment, said officials familiar with the review. The chiefs planned to tell Bush of the significantly increased risk to readiness in the event of a new emergency, rather than push for a timeline to leave Iraq.

I think we need to remember that "a new emergency" doesn't only include a political miscalculation on N. Korea or Iraq, but could also include respose to a terror attack or natural disaster.


  • "New emergencies" can include (not a complete list): Darfur, Horn of Africa Islamists, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, North Korea, Taiwan, Kurdistan v. Turkey, Kurdistan v. Iran, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine...

    By Blogger Bravo 2-1, at 9:41 AM  

  • And we've got next to nothing 100% ready to deploy.

    It's really a huge risk in all this that is not being talked about.

    And, it's not just overworked soldiers that concerns me. In the face of something else, I have no doubt that US soldiers could strap up and go. What concerns me is the lack of working vehicles and equipment.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 10:34 AM  

  • Exactly. You can't motivate a broken truck to start working.

    By Blogger Bravo 2-1, at 2:44 PM  

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