(AP) The 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne is being moved to Kuwait, arguably for the "surge." (More deeply described in this NYTimes article.)
(AP) Maliki's reconciliation conference is ongoing, but Sadr, Allawi, and one of the main Sunni blocks didn't attend. Maliki is also reintroducing his plan to bring ex-Baathists into the army or buy them off with pensions which got a tepid response the last time.
(AP) "Gunmen killed a Shiite tribal sheik linked to British forces in a drive-by shooting Friday in the southern city of Basra."
(UPI) A Two Part in depth look at Iraqi oil smuggling.
(WaPo) The MNF command (US) is taking bids to up armor 1,300 Iraqi Police trucks. (and you wonder why they don't want to patrol.)
(LATimes) They saw the uniforms and knew to run: Describing the recent mass kidnapping at a Baghdad market "just a few hundred yards from the edge of the U.S.-guarded Green Zone."
NBC's Blogging Baghdad has a post on the lull during the Iraq/Qatar Soccer final in the Asian Games. "But, within minutes of the (final) whistle, the explosions began. First a car bomb. Then a mortar round. Before long the war we seem to hate to call “civil” was back to normal."
And, what does it say about the lack of faith in this presidency that Senator after Senator is going to talk to Syria? (Today's entry, Specter.)
(AP) Maliki's reconciliation conference is ongoing, but Sadr, Allawi, and one of the main Sunni blocks didn't attend. Maliki is also reintroducing his plan to bring ex-Baathists into the army or buy them off with pensions which got a tepid response the last time.
(AP) "Gunmen killed a Shiite tribal sheik linked to British forces in a drive-by shooting Friday in the southern city of Basra."
(UPI) A Two Part in depth look at Iraqi oil smuggling.
(WaPo) The MNF command (US) is taking bids to up armor 1,300 Iraqi Police trucks. (and you wonder why they don't want to patrol.)
(LATimes) They saw the uniforms and knew to run: Describing the recent mass kidnapping at a Baghdad market "just a few hundred yards from the edge of the U.S.-guarded Green Zone."
NBC's Blogging Baghdad has a post on the lull during the Iraq/Qatar Soccer final in the Asian Games. "But, within minutes of the (final) whistle, the explosions began. First a car bomb. Then a mortar round. Before long the war we seem to hate to call “civil” was back to normal."
And, what does it say about the lack of faith in this presidency that Senator after Senator is going to talk to Syria? (Today's entry, Specter.)
"And, what does it say about the lack of faith in this presidency that Senator after Senator is going to talk to Syria?"
Has Bush become irrelevant? Maybe not just yet, but if in the first six months of '07 the Dems do a balanced but assertive job at oversight/investigation... maybe then.
-epm, at 1:21 PM
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