Political Bits
Hastert has gone before the Ethics Panel today. Hastert's chief of Staff, Scott Palmer, was in there for SIX HOURS yesterday. Doesn't sound like they believe the Hastert office line, eh?
ABC: Some of Hastert's principal aides have hired criminal defense lawyers to represent them during the investigation.
Claire McCaskill is starting to edge ahead, +1.7% (avg. of 4 polls.)
And I'm just thinking that the "major" Iraq announcement today is the White House's last desperate swing on Iraq. It's being panned.
ABC: Some of Hastert's principal aides have hired criminal defense lawyers to represent them during the investigation.
Claire McCaskill is starting to edge ahead, +1.7% (avg. of 4 polls.)
And I'm just thinking that the "major" Iraq announcement today is the White House's last desperate swing on Iraq. It's being panned.
The Bush administration's approach to tackling its increasingly self-evident pooch-screw in Iraq is to change advertising slogans. Bush "official" drops slogan of "Stay the Course," but equally officially insists their current course will not change.
Apparently, the Bush administration is going from "Stay the Course" to "Duck and Cover." In the meantime, more children will become fatherless and more mothers will bury their sons. All for the political ambitions of an administration profanely intoxicated by power and greed.
Well, F-U Mr. President. F. YOU.
Sorry... I got wound up again.
-epm, at 2:27 PM
The Post suggested that since all the major interviewing is done, the Ethics Committee just might have a report ready BEFORE the election.
But that's not going to happen, right?
Unless it's a whitewash report that exonerates the GOP leadership, of course. Then they'll have it out before the election.
Reality-Based Educator, at 2:53 PM
EPM, Right. But the timing does surprise me. They had taken on this "stay the course" through the election, blaming the ISG, and now suddenly something has to be done. (But nothing was really done.) It's all politics.
Reality based,
That was the original plan although I've been skeptical about that, too.
As you say, if it comes out clean, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out before the election, but they have to reconcile all the stories and call someone a liar, so, I don't see how it comes out clean. They can't just pin it on staffers because both Boehner and Reynolds said they told Hastert, unless they changed their story.
mikevotes, at 5:41 PM
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