A different Bush 9-11 speech
There was an announcement that Bush will make a prime time speech on Sept. 11 that the administration claims will not be a political speech. Right. Let me offer a different picture.
President Bush at center at the podium, behind him House and Senate leaders of both parties, his national security team and a few token Dem centrist foreign policy folks, Madeline Albright, William Cohen, etc. The speech would be :
Now, that would be leadership.
President Bush at center at the podium, behind him House and Senate leaders of both parties, his national security team and a few token Dem centrist foreign policy folks, Madeline Albright, William Cohen, etc. The speech would be :
"The people on this rostrum have many disagreements, some significant, on tactics and policy, but on this day, on this hallowed day, we come together united as Americans. We come together unified in our belief that this should never happen again.
In the midst of this heated election sometimes the greater battle gets lost among the politics. I am here today with representatives from both parties to reiterate that no matter the internal dispute, we stand together on this day of remembrance united against a greater enemy. First and foremost, we are Americans....
Now, I'll step aside and let Senator Reid make a few comments....."
Now, that would be leadership.
Wow, that would be nice.
Handsome B. Wonderful, at 2:42 PM
Part two of the ABC's "Path to 9/11" is scheduled to air on Monday, Sept 11. Part two is reported to cover the slip-ups of the Bush administration in the run up to 9/11.
Is the president trying to mute whatever negative images this movie may have of his administration but mucking up the primetime schedule on Monday?
-epm, at 3:36 PM
James, I can dream of a leader who would do the right thing.
EPM, I think that's a key point, and that the Clinton section is set to run uninterrupted.
The only thing worse would be if he was scheduled to speak right after the Clinton section.
Also, alot has been made of the Clinton inaccuracies, I haven't seen much on the pro-Bush inaccuracies.
mikevotes, at 3:39 PM
I heard Clinton's comments on a video clip. In the end he simply sums up all our feelings (I think): "I just want people to tell the truth and you know, not to pretend it's something it's not."
Of course I haven't seen this thing, but what I divine from published reports/reviews, the actions of the Bush administration are not necessarilly white-washed, but there are no slanderous fabrications of insinuations through context manipulation.
The truth is dramatic enough. What is ABCs problem?
-epm, at 3:58 PM
I've seen some clips on Olberman, and it's actually worse than I would've thought.
The latest is TPM's finding that the director is tied to a fundamentalist group whose mission is to "transform hollywood."
(Just as a side note, this whole thing is pretty egregious. I'm often pretty hard on some of the big lefty blogs for going on about nothing, but this IS something, and thus far they've done a hell of a job. I think it's gonna get pulled.)
mikevotes, at 4:04 PM
I agree, Mike. This is thing just gets curiouser and curiouser the more we find out. Harvey Keitel has problems with the intentional lies. At least two FBI consultants panned the script for being detatched from reality. The question of funding sources....
How long before we find a link to the White House... maybe something in the office of faith based initiatives?
There is a definate oder to this thing and the harder Disney/ABC try to defend this film, the more suspicious it becomes.
-epm, at 9:25 PM
We'll never get an official link.
My gut says that the programming folks at Disney/ABC didn't know. They saw a $40 million project. The complaints of the FBI guys never made it that high, and Kean signed off on it.
But, there's a producer out there who picked these guys and ran this thing who must've known. That's probably the culprit.
I doubt we'll ever get a proven connection unless these guys bragged to somebody about their connection or how they were helping the cause..
mikevotes, at 9:35 PM
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