It took you long enough
It took years for a Democrat to come out and say this clearly.
That should be the response every time. Oh, and when the Republicans throw around "cut and run," might I suggest a response that is some variant of "stand and bleed," or "deer in the headlights."
(Abi makes a good point in the comments that this is a clever way for presidential contender Biden to have it both ways. "He's not saying the invasion was wrong. He's just saying this president was the wrong man to lead it.")
"If I had known this president would be this incompetent, I would not have given him the authority" to go to war, said Biden, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
That should be the response every time. Oh, and when the Republicans throw around "cut and run," might I suggest a response that is some variant of "stand and bleed," or "deer in the headlights."
(Abi makes a good point in the comments that this is a clever way for presidential contender Biden to have it both ways. "He's not saying the invasion was wrong. He's just saying this president was the wrong man to lead it.")
Hello. I'm your blog neighbor. This one sentiment has made me determined to visit you again.
Every time I see him laugh like Beevis and shrug his shoulders, I wanna punch someone.
I also loathe "stay the course."
"Ms. Cornelius", at 9:25 PM
More Dems need to start using straight, tough talk. But Biden's comment sounds like a Pol with presidential ambitions trying to have it both ways. He's not saying the invasion was wrong. He's just saying this president was the wrong man to lead it.
No argument here that Bush is incompetent. But he also lied us into invading a country that posed no threat to us. I think Biden needs to point the finger of blame at himself, too, for falling for it.
Anonymous, at 9:38 PM
Hey Ms. Cornelius, glad to meet ya neighbor.
I don't know how you turn "stay the course." It needs to be three or four words and snappy. Maybe "stay the course, I'd call it driving into the ground."
Abi, I fully agree about Biden. He's a complete media whore. (although I find him untrustorthy and charming at the same time.) With all the time he logs on these Sunday shows, you would expect him to find a good line now and then. Even a blind hog....
And I really like your deconstruction that he's exculpating his own vote and role in that argument. Dead on.
You're right. The vote for the war was the wrong vote. It was wrong then and it's wrong now.
But I guess it is a way out of the trap so many Dems have found themselves in without going the full regret route.
Really good point.
mikevotes, at 10:23 PM
I like calling it the "deer in the headlights" Iraq occupation policy. That works for me.
Reality-Based Educator, at 6:31 AM
Just one idea of many. It needs to be short and very simple, just a mature version of a schoolyard taunt. Something people will mutter to themselves reaffirming the insult everytime the object repeats the mistake.
That's the power of "cut and run." Not that it's clever or even really true. It's that it's a blindingly simple epithet.
The Dems are trying to play the smart kid running for student council with plans and agendas, etc. Bush is the kegger boy who claims his agenda is to "par-ty," gets his round of applause then sits down.
mikevotes, at 7:17 AM
That's the power of "cut and run." Not that it's clever or even really true. It's that it's a blindingly simple epithet.
And for that reason, I think that "stand and bleed," may be the best of the alternatives you listed. Simple, direct, understandable...exactly the reasons Democrats won't use it.
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM
It also could be used to attack the speaker as "do you want our troops to die? All you liberals want our troops to die!"
So, I think you'd have to find a variant. But the principle is the same.
mikevotes, at 5:00 PM
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