Rice at the SBC
Condi Rice made a speech at the Southern Baptist Convention. (Apparently, she's going to be the spokesperson from now on.)
Let's remember that we're talking about a religious convention here. Where exactly in the bible did Jesus talk about nationalism and an interventionist foreign policy?
Also, at the same SBU convention, a surprise candidate, Frank Page was elected to head the organization.
I didn't know Jesus had a litmus test. My understanding is that he was about love, generosity, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, charity, etc, etc.
I don't really remember anywhere where he talked about corporate energy deregulation. But I'm not an expert.
(And, I'm assuming everybody's seen the horror show of Bush trying to kid the reporter with a degenerative eye condition about wearing sunglasses to the press conference. For more press conference follies, as always, check out Holden.)
Let's remember that we're talking about a religious convention here. Where exactly in the bible did Jesus talk about nationalism and an interventionist foreign policy?
She got repeated standing ovations for her call for continued U.S. engagement across the globe. ....
As she left the podium, delegates in the upper arena began to sing "God Bless America." The whole arena joined in the spontaneous anthem.
Also, at the same SBU convention, a surprise candidate, Frank Page was elected to head the organization.
Dr. Page and his supporters said his election, on the first ballot on the first full day of the annual meeting of convention, did not mean that the nation's largest Protestant denomination would change its views on social issues like same-sex marriage and abortion that the three candidates generally opposed. "I do not want anyone to think I am out to undo a conservative movement," Dr. Page told reporters after his election.
He added that church goals would be met through "godly, conservative men and women in our convention, men and women who have not been involved before, who need to be and can be involved.
I didn't know Jesus had a litmus test. My understanding is that he was about love, generosity, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, charity, etc, etc.
I don't really remember anywhere where he talked about corporate energy deregulation. But I'm not an expert.
(And, I'm assuming everybody's seen the horror show of Bush trying to kid the reporter with a degenerative eye condition about wearing sunglasses to the press conference. For more press conference follies, as always, check out Holden.)
The standing ovations for continued engagement around th globe have nothing to do with spreading peace and compassion, it's all about revenge. Where were these pushes to help those "poor Iraqi people"—and others—before 9/11, while Saddam was actually doing the killing.
It's sick and twisted.
zen, at 3:28 PM
TCR has a good take on this:
She referred often to God and prayer, and cast U.S. work overseas, from Iraq to Sudan to the attempts to stem the trafficking of human beings for forced labor or sex, in religious terms.
As she left the podium, delegates in the upper arena began to sing "God Bless America." The whole arena joined in the spontaneous anthem.
Anyone not understand why other nations might want to arm themselves to defend against this madness?
zen, at 3:41 PM
Where exactly in the bible did Jesus talk about nationalism... I doubt if you will find anywhere Jesus talked about starting a church in his name either.
Mt guess is that he tried to come back aftr a couple of daysbecuase he realised how his followers misunderstood the mission.
He was too late, and the show hasn't improved since.
It quickly became a power struggle and grew into a power machine. Nothing Christian about it at all.
Cartledge, at 4:26 PM
Thanks, Zen. That's a good link.
And, Cartledge,pretty funny.
mikevotes, at 4:45 PM
Another example of a flavor of professed Christians who aren't really that interested in following the teachings of Christ.
This administration and the red meat Christianists.... now that's some scarry shit.
-epm, at 9:15 PM
I really do find the fusion of religion and nationalism scary because it infuses 'the party' with irrational unshakeable belief from it's supporters based on it's claims on god. And that's one way countries go over the cliff.
mikevotes, at 9:18 PM
The right has always been the home of the party that values faith over fact, revelation over research/reality.
There are none so blind than those that refuse to see.
zen, at 8:09 AM
Actually, coming out of the depression, christians tended to identify as democrats up until the "godless communist" propaganda merged belief in god with belief in state. Much like today, the hawks of the fifties attempted to tie the two together to gain support for the aggressive side of the cold war.
mikevotes, at 11:15 AM
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