Another Heretical Idea
Congress just took another payraise couched in all the legislative obfuscation they can manage. The raise is actually scheduled as a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) that occurs automatically every year and must be affirmatively voted down to block it. The Senate voted against the measure, and yet, they were bravely willing to yield when the bill was in conference. Also, the raise is hidden in the Transportation and Treasury Bill. (I didn't vote for a pay raise, I voted for roads/economic policy.)
But what really strikes me is that for the seventh year in a row, the Republican led Congress has taken their raise while refusing to raise the minimum wage.
So, my heretical idea is simple, tie Congress's pay to the minimum wage. If they get a raise, the minimum wage goes up proportionately.
This seems pretty logical to me. If the shifting economic background has changed enough to require Congressmen to raise their salary to $168,000, then certainly the same conditions are making life more difficult for those making $16,000.
But what really strikes me is that for the seventh year in a row, the Republican led Congress has taken their raise while refusing to raise the minimum wage.
So, my heretical idea is simple, tie Congress's pay to the minimum wage. If they get a raise, the minimum wage goes up proportionately.
This seems pretty logical to me. If the shifting economic background has changed enough to require Congressmen to raise their salary to $168,000, then certainly the same conditions are making life more difficult for those making $16,000.
There is a proposal to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour, but it will never pass. It's not suppose to pass, it was never ment to pass. Just another bone.
According to the GAO, the minimum wage is now lower than it has been in 50 years, considering inflation.
Unknown, at 12:02 PM
16,000 a year, right. more like 12,000 a year if you're lucky and working more than one job.
Justin, at 12:35 PM
Not to mention the fact that those folks earning $168,000 have medical, dental and life insurance provided for them. Makes the $16,000 paid to minimum wage workers who are not recipients of such insurance largesse even more of a paltry, shrunken and shriveled pittance.
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM
That's a good point, Rachie.
Justin, I thought the number was 12,000, but I wasn't sure and didn't want to do the work to look itup.
And, Time, that's the Dem version of the gay marriage amendment.
mikevotes, at 1:43 PM
An idea whose time has come!
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM
$12k is probably how much they spend on golf per year...oh no wait, that's the lobbyists.
zen, at 3:55 PM
Good point Zen. My state's shame, Senator John Cornyn, took one one day trip to receive an award that cost $20,000.
mikevotes, at 4:52 PM
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